Prince Albert and Princess Stephanie attended opening of new car museum

Prince Albert, Princess Stephanie, Pierre Casiraghi, Andrea Casiraghi and Louis Ducruet

On July 7, 2022, Prince Albert, Princess Stephanie, Pierre Casiraghi, Andrea Casiraghi and Louis Ducruet attended the inauguration of the new museum housing the Prince of Monaco's private car collection. The Monaco Top Cars Collection is an automobile museum located in the Fontvieille district of Monaco closed the doors on May 5. The museum housing the Prince of Monaco's private car collection moved to the port of Monoco.

Prince Albert, Princess Stephanie, Pierre Casiraghi, Andrea Casiraghi and Louis Ducruet

Prince Albert, Princess Stephanie, Pierre Casiraghi, Andrea Casiraghi and Louis Ducruet

Prince Albert, Princess Stephanie, Pierre Casiraghi, Andrea Casiraghi and Louis Ducruet

Prince Albert, Princess Stephanie, Pierre Casiraghi, Andrea Casiraghi and Louis Ducruet

Prince Albert, Princess Stephanie, Pierre Casiraghi, Andrea Casiraghi and Louis Ducruet

Prince Albert, Princess Stephanie, Pierre Casiraghi, Andrea Casiraghi and Louis Ducruet

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  1. Anonymous7/7/22 19:38

    Nice to see them out in force. I almost did not know Pss Stephany. She looked so different. This pants not the best look. Prince Albert looks good. josebabe

    1. Anonymous8/7/22 08:19

      Stephanie dressed like she is going to the supermarket. Charlene or Caroline should have accompanied Albert

    2. Anonymous8/7/22 12:31

      Agree with Ms. Princess Stephany is dressing by far too casual.
      Where is Louis Ducruet`s lovely Princess and where is Mrs Santo Domingo and above all where is Charlene and the twins?

    3. Anonymous10/7/22 13:03

      Maybe she's depressed? No smile, no makeup, grey hair roots, no jewellery, causal clothes, unflattering hair cut- like she wants to "hide"? no attention to me.. (?)

  2. Anonymous7/7/22 19:45

    E Charlene?
    Secondo me questa famiglia principesca è composta da troppe persone, Andrea Casiraghi vive anche a Londra.
    Degli abiti non ho commenti, ma sicuramente i nipoti sono vestiti meglio.


    1. A me sembra che in questa famiglia principesca l'unico che prende seriamente i suoi impegni sia Alberto,mi pare che il resto della famiglia,ad ogni apparizione, sembri costretto, annoiato e privo di alcun interesse in quel che fa, come se non vedesse l'ora di tornare alla sua vita di privilegiato,in vacanza 365 giorni l'anno.

    2. Anonymous8/7/22 18:19

      @Simo: condivido, in genere hanno tutti la scocciatura dipinta sul volto...

    3. Anonymous9/7/22 11:09

      For godness sake. Why always where is Charlene? Strongly enough no-one ask where is Albert when she flies solo or where is Frederik when Mary is on a solo mission or where is Daniel when Victoria is alone. Can't we stop that nonsense.

  3. Anonymous7/7/22 20:49

    Always great to see the family from Monaco. Hopefully they have a great time at this event together, however no smiles from Stephanie at any of the pictures. Sometimes one wonders if she is obliged to make appearances out of duty to her brother, but can’t bring any positive energy at all.

  4. On my to-do list when next I visit the principality. In the meantime I'm loving HSH Princess Stephanie's summery, casual-chic slacks. Where o' where can we find them

    1. Compared to the men I think she is dressed too casual. As if she is only there by coincidence.

  5. Anonymous7/7/22 23:05

    Better to avoid comments on fashion... My neighbour can dress better than the princess.

  6. Anonymous8/7/22 00:25

    I think Stephanie looks great here. Her outfit is okay but facially she looks much better than the somewhat haggard photos we’ve sometimes seen. she looks very like Princess Caroline again Hope she gives us more of the same

  7. Anonymous8/7/22 04:20

    For some reason I always thought that she was a lot taller, she looks very small next to Albert. I can’t find anything special about this look, but then again she doesn’t seem too interested in fashion in the last few years. Good to see her out and about.

    1. Anonymous9/7/22 14:33

      Back in the days she used to wear heels, so she looked taller. But now why bother, house sleepers will do

  8. La journée où le prince Albert va cesser de "faire parader la familia" à toutes les sauces, la princesse Charlene va retrouver la place qui lui convient et va s'acquitter à merveille de ses obligations et engagements. Quand le prince Albert va-t-il comprendre cela?

    1. Anonymous8/7/22 11:34

      Charlene est maintenant occupee avec son nouveau video. Sur son profil instagram on peut la voir dans une sorte de cage comme un petit oiseau... Ce video est devenu viral... Pas un bon message pour son mari et pour les grimaldi.

    2. Reste à savoir si c'est la faite du Prince Albert si sa femme ne veut pas impliquer . La présence de la famille du Prince Albert , c'est plutôt la conséquence de l'absence de Charlène , pas la cause .

  9. Quel plaisir de voir Stéphanie dans un pantalon idéal pour la saison estivale ; au niveau du haut, j'aurais quand même choisi un modèle un peu plus élégant avec de la tenue !

  10. Lovely to see Pss Stephanie out with P. Albert and family members for this event.

  11. Anonymous8/7/22 10:57

    She looks like my next-door neighbour going to the supermarket. Out of respect for the engagement and the people involved she could have dressed accordingly. I.P.

  12. Anonymous8/7/22 14:35

    Prinzessin Stephanie sieht doch ganz süß aus - die Karossen werden von A nach B überführt, schön. Sie ist 57 Jahre alt, passt sich vielleicht auch etwas dezenter der derzeitigen Weltlage an, mir gefällt das besser als würde sie in sichtbarer Designkleidung dabei stehen.

  13. Anonymous8/7/22 16:15

    Hmmm--well, the gentlemen are dressed well and it is nice to Albert being supported by his nephews. Princess Stephanie is dressed very casually but I like her look--just not too sure it isn't too casual for the event especially since all of the men are wearing ties. Still, nice to see her joining Albert on official business.


    1. Anonymous17/7/22 07:33

      Official duties ? His private old-timers collection is moved from one place to another. You can make everything official if you like with an inauguration and reception and things like that.

  14. Anonymous8/7/22 18:55

    Princess Stephanie could at least making an effort to iron her blouse.

  15. Maybe it was national dress-down in Monaco for the ladies;
    I love and admire Princess Stephanie but I think she could have made a little more effort for the occasion. Even a funky, non conforming look would have been better.

  16. Anonymous11/7/22 19:55

    I wore that outfit to the shoppes this morning. Does she not have a better wardrobe, or hairstylist? Certainly she knows how to dress properly, she's done it a few times, its almost as if she prefers to gather negative attention, rather than positive.

  17. Anonymous29/8/22 15:57

    Why criticize what Princess Stephanie wore? It is a CAR museum. She seems appropriately dressed for the occasion. If she would have worn an evening gown, some of you would have complained that she was over the top. She looks amazing irrespective of what she wears. Stop the hate, would you?


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