State visit of President of India and his wife to the Netherlands

Queen Maxima wore a purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress from Victoria Beckham. President Ram Nath Kovind and Savita Kovind

At the invitation of King Willem-Alexander, the President of the Republic of India, Ram Nath Kovind and his wife Savita Kovind are making a state visit to the Netherlands from Tuesday 5 April to Thursday 7 April 2022. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima welcomed the President and his wife with an official ceremony held at the Dam Square in Amsterdam.

Queen Maxima wore a purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress from Victoria Beckham. President Ram Nath Kovind and Savita Kovind

Queen Maxima wore a purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress from Victoria Beckham. President Ram Nath Kovind and Savita Kovind

In 2019, the King and Queen Maxima paid a state visit to India. The Indian president’s trip to the Netherlands reaffirms the strong bilateral relations between the Netherlands and India.

Queen Maxima wore a purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress from Victoria Beckham. President Ram Nath Kovind and Savita Kovind

Queen Maxima wore a purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress from Victoria Beckham. President Ram Nath Kovind and Savita Kovind

Queen Maxima wore a purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress from Victoria Beckham. President Ram Nath Kovind and Savita Kovind

Queen Maxima wore a purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress from Victoria Beckham. President Ram Nath Kovind and Savita Kovind

Queen Maxima wore a purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress from Victoria Beckham. President Ram Nath Kovind and Savita Kovind

Queen Maxima wore a purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress from Victoria Beckham. President Ram Nath Kovind and Savita Kovind

Queen Maxima wore a purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress from Victoria Beckham. President Ram Nath Kovind and Savita Kovind

Queen Maxima wore a purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress from Victoria Beckham. President Ram Nath Kovind and Savita Kovind

Queen Maxima wore Victoria Beckham purple puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress
Victoria Beckham puffled-sleeves dolman midi dress

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  1. Anonymous5/4/22 13:23

    Purple is a great colour for QM and it combines well with grey. The coat is a bit too long to my taste and (may I write this ...) a bit dull. However, overall a good look and I like her hat.


  2. The weather is not very nice here today. I think Queen Maxima decided to choose a not ver nice coat to match the weather.
    It looks like a Nathan creation. Why do I think that? 1. The hem is uneven. 2. It fits very badly at the sleave heads even if it was meant to be oversized. 3. Its wrinkled and rumpled on the lower right front (means no suitable underlining was used.)
    I like her handbag, shoes and gloves ckoices though not the hat much.
    It may or may not be a Nathan I just presume it.

    1. Anonymous5/4/22 15:57

      She should have closed the buttons, it is too casual this way and doesnot fit,

    2. Anonymous5/4/22 16:53

      No matter what Queen Maxima wears, a coat or a cape, when she steps out of a car her coat or cape is wrinkled. Also when she wares trousers or a dress it is often wrinkled. It can happen but in her case it happens all the time. I wonder who is taking care of her clothes ? Or was it because of the rain that her coat was wrinkled ?

    3. Anonymous5/4/22 18:18

      This could have been a nice look IF the coat wasn't so baggy and wrinkled.
      I just don't get it.


    4. Anonymous5/4/22 18:36

      @anon5/416:53 - she is human are you, you need glasses, poor dear. Siv

  3. This can get a pretty good mark IMV, nice jewels etc.

  4. Beautiful, elegant, and regal. I think this is a great outfit and I love the color combo.

  5. Très jolies lignes de ce manteau que je préfère largement à une cape même s'il est un petit peu trop long ; j'aime beaucoup le style de son chapeau porté sur un délicat petit chignon ; les couleurs dégradées de ses nouvelles boucles d'oreilles pendantes se combinent à merveille avec la couleur de sa robe !

  6. Anonymous5/4/22 16:17

    Its nice put together outfit, if slightly dull in colour. The dress meanwhile is magnificent. Km

    1. I agree. The dress looks great and goes very well with the grey. Love the hat and earrings but the overall effect of the outdoors outfit is dull.

  7. Anonymous5/4/22 17:18

    Max looks fab.
    Not super glam and perfectly appropriate for the statuesque Queen that she is.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Yes, she's fab, she's fun, she's not perfect but I love her.

  8. Purple is a lovely color on her, but the earrings are the highlight of the ensemble.

  9. Very pretty. I like everything about QM's outfit. The wide brimmed hat was very appropriate for the weather; an umbrella was not necessary. The purple dress paired nicely with the gunmetal gray coat, shoes and hat. And, her earrings are glorious!

  10. This coat looks great, I love the color, the accessories work in well.


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