The Duchess of Sussex took part in Global Citizen's Vax Live event

Meghan Markle wore a red shirt dress from Carolina Herrera and a Woman Power statement necklace from Awe

On May 2, 2021, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as campaign chairs of Vax Live, took part in Global Citizen's Vax Live concert at the SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles. The event was organized for the purpose of raising awareness about the COVID-19 vaccine and encouraging people to get vaccinated. While the Duke attended the event in-person, the Duchess took part in the event with a video message.

Meghan Markle wore a red shirt dress from Carolina Herrera and a Woman Power statement necklace from Awe

Meghan Markle wore a red shirt dress from Carolina Herrera and a Woman Power statement necklace from Awe

In her video message, the Duchess spoke about the importance of working together to tackle Covid-19. The concert was pre-recorded last week but streamed on select US channels and on YouTube on Saturday evening. For the event, the Duchess of Sussex wore a red shirt dress from Carolina Herrera and a 'Woman Power' statement necklace from Awe.

Meghan Markle wore CAROLINA HERRERA floral silk midi shirt dress
CAROLINA HERRERA floral silk midi shirt dress


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. She has to cut absolutely her long hair.

    1. Anonymous10/5/21 07:23


    2. Anonymous10/5/21 07:59

      remove extensions you mean, or use shorter ones.


    3. Anonymous10/5/21 08:39

      No she doesn't. She decide herself who long her hair should be. She looks absolutely lovely #stopthehate -Diane

    4. Anonymous10/5/21 08:41

      Does Kate also have to cut her almost the same length hair? -Anne

    5. Meghan doesn't use extention. Why all this hate?

    6. Louise, it is not hate to say that she has extensions, maybe she has maybe not. Rather difficult to say for her, I would say yes. Many women do occasionally or more often. Maxima has regularly, for her the sudden difference in length is obvious. I don't see any problem.

    7. I agree - she needs a haircut. This look just drags her face down - though I like the part back on the side. I don't like her earrings either but the rest of the gold jewellery suits the brightness of the dress. Of course, there will be those that compare to Catherine but these 'what-aboutisms' I believe to be juvenile. It isn't racist to dislike her hair - this is a royal fashion blog where we comment on their looks. As to the cause - I also feel uncomfortable with another organisation being set up for donations. It feels gratuitous and open to abuse. I'd much prefer they support and educate people on the covax scheme.

    8. Every time we see Meghan and Harry mentioned on this blog we see a lot of hate. We see Meghan is treated differently then other royal ladies. We see more nasty comments. More meanness and more hate. Instead of behaving like a bully we can start to behave like the adults we are supposed to be. So to Meghans hair. First Meghan are allowed to have hair as long as she wish. Have the color she wish. And have you ever been thinking why should a person born with african hair, and who straightens her hair( easy to see on photos) need to use extensions? And another thought do you ever consider the fact that the country have been in a lockdown and she might haven been able to get to a hairdresser or is spreading nastiness more important?

    9. Anonymous11/5/21 09:11

      Bina what is juvenile is rudness and nasty comments. Hiding behind a fashion blog is not a good argument. Yes, you can comment on how they look, but it doesn't mean that we can't behave. We can talk about what we like. We don't have to step all over them with meanness. How would you like if someone treated you the same way? If this is something you wouldn't say to a friend, family or even to Meghan face to face we know it's wrong to say hiding behind a keyboard too. Normal polite behavior is not to despise no matter what circumstance. Jude

    10. Jude - I didn't say anything nasty and would gladly say it to her face. You are wrong to say Meghan is picked on. Clearly you are new to the blog and have never read the comments on Maxima's hair. Louise, I think I know who the bully is - trying to shut me down because not all my comments were to your liking.

  2. Anonymous10/5/21 07:15

    Beautiful dress - love the colour on her. I know when she was working as part of the Royal family she gravitated more towards neutrals and darker shades but I've always thought she looks amazing when she goes for a brighter palette.

    She's looking good - would prefer shorter hair but that's just my personal preference.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow! Meghan looks very pretty here, beautiful. She looks confident and relaxed and even though I don't like this shirt dress, the bright red is great on her. I don't care for her hair this long; it's beautifully styled so for me it's okay. And I've always preferred her hair with a side parting, suits her face better in my opinion.
    I noticed one thing though: Her hair used to be much darker in my memory, black. Here it's dark brown. Maybe she dyed it? Or maybe it's just my eyes 😉 Or the sunny weather?

  5. Cette robe-chemisier fleurie très lumineuse va à merveille à son teint ; c'est vrai que ses cheveux mériteraient un petit rafraîchissement - Dommage de ne pas mieux voir ses boucles d'oreilles et son pendentif !

  6. Anonymous10/5/21 10:40

    Pretty dress with a colour that goes well with her matte complexion and dark hair, now much too long.

  7. Anonymous10/5/21 10:43

    Meghan's dress is really beautiful. The colors are very pretty together, and I love the sophisticated floral print. It looks very cool and comfortable as well. It is nice to see her looking so healthy. More important than her attire is the delivery of a healthy baby girl.

    It is great to have both Harry and Meghan supporting Global Citizen's Vax Live. So many countries are behind the curve in the race to vaccinate the citizens of the world. It is heartwarming to have so many people -- from music and acting to major companies and world leaders come together to work with the citizens of the world to make sure that all have the same access to the vaccine. Humanity at its best. ~d

    1. I agree with your first paragraph. She looks nice indeed, the colour is fresh and suits her well. I like the floral print, although I would have liked it even better if the dress had been shorter as all-over-prints tend to get overwhelming if not balanced out by accent colours (or bare skin) or at least a well structured cut.

      As for her message - I totally disagree. I think this is as woke as it gets, and it´s embarassing. An in-your-face woman-power necklace, a video appearance although her husband is already attending in person, and pushing vaccinations on the world citizens? I am disturbed by this kind of propaganda - as if people needed to be made aware... Covid is on the news 24-7 and the response measures have interfered severely with everyone´s lives. Why encourage people to take the vaccine? I say let people make up their minds. They are perfectly able to decide what´s best for them. It´s fine of course to make the vaccine available for those who want it, but leave everyone else alone. Trying to get the "citizens of the world" vaccinated is wrong in so many ways. Global citizen? Aren´t we citizens of nation states? We certainly don´t need major companies to tell us what to do, or celebrities from music and acting for that matter. And it´s definitely not a race.
      We just don´t need more "philantrophists" in this world. The people behind GAVI are so filthily rich, the fact that they are raising money is laughable. If they really cared about injustices in the world, they could use a fraction their wealth and do away with those injustices overnight.

    2. Anonymous10/5/21 14:46

      OMG Vanessa take a chill pill for this is embarrassing... Jane

    3. Anonymous10/5/21 16:05

      Vanessa, I really don't quite understand your accusations against her short speech.

      There is a real problem with the distríbution of the vaccines around the world, and even though the situation with the pandemic is getting better in the Western countries, that's not the case in many poorer countries, as you have certainly seen in the news. And in today's globalized world, the problems of the poorer countries will very soon be our problems, too, if we don't act out and help as much as we can. If a new and much more dangerous mutation of Covid-19 arises in those countries still struggling with their vaccination programmes, the mutation will soon spread to other countries as well -- and it may have developed resistance to the vaccines now in use. The only way to ensure the happiness of future generations around the world is to think globally, not nationally. That's also why I hope that everyone gets the vaccine, because that's the only way to stop the pandemic.

      She would certainly have accompanied Harry to the Covax-event if she hadn't been heavily pregnant. As she is her own person, not the property or an extension of her husband -- as every woman should have the right to be -- she has her own voice and a right to use it. She chose to address the problem from a female point of view. Women often occupy jobs in the service sector, which has certainly been hit hard by the pandemic. I also don't understand your hatred against the feminist symbol she is carrying on her neck. Based on your name, I guess you are a woman yourself, and many of the rights you now have in your life -- equal to the men's rights -- you wouldn't have without the fight for those rights by women who have fought under that symbol. Feminists are not against men, they only want equal rights to every one. And sadly, that fight isn't over, as the recent news from Afghanistan and the terrible and disgraceful attack against girl students show.


    4. I agree with you, Vanessa. What is embarrassing is the condescending with which these woke people treat the rest of the world.

    5. Anonymous10/5/21 18:43

      @Vanessa, Bless your heart. It is obvious that you have made no effort to empathize or even understand what is happening around us. Even worse is returning to agree with yourself at 17:20. During the last pandemic in the 1900's it was so bad that people would leave their dead outside their doors to be collected every morning in carts. Today, governments are scrambling to get a handle on how best to save the most vulnerable, hence the vaccines. If you don't want to be vaccinated then don't, but some of us have seen relatives who work in the field being mandated to work, not knowing if they would succumb to the virus too. Does India, Brazil, Spain, Italy, the UK not affect your thinking with their health care systems either collapsed or on the verge with the sheer number of cases? As for Meghan her focus is on women's issues no surprise there. If she chose not to travel more than an hour to the event then another hour back home that is her choice. Really, as @Jane says, this is embarrassing. Sit down!
      Ana 1

    6. Anonymous10/5/21 20:24

      Well said, Paula!! I agree on all points. I have never been a fan of Meghan. I have my own opinion as to her motives for marrying Harry and only time will tell whether it was for love or not. I hope for Harry's sake and now their children that it was for love. But I will say that she has gone up in my estimation with this message. This is a helpful and beneficial way to use her influence. If this does encourage some people to get the vaccine, then bravo for her!! As to her fashion and hair I will say that her length and decisions for extensions are her choice to make. I would prefer something a few inches shorter. The red color of this dress is very flattering on her, just not a fan of the large flowers. Overall I think she looks quite nice.


    7. To Paula:
      The minute I hear about Meghan making her way to Afghanistan to fight for women´s rights THERE (where it´s urgently needed), I will applaud her mission. But as far as I know, she hasn´t made any such attempts. Or used her voice to raise awareness of FGM in Somalia, or compaigned to improve the lives of women in Saudi Arabia, or mentioned girls sold by their parents or trafficked around the world for sex.
      Fighting for women´s rights in countries where women already enjoy equal rights is pointless. And displaying feminist symbols in those countries is therefore rather divisive in a we-vs.-them fashion.

    8. Anonymous10/5/21 22:19

      Vanessa: I'm sure she would certainly agree with you, as do I, that the grievances you mentioned have to be fixed. So you obviously have quite a lot in common valuewise, and in that light, I find it even harder to understand your criticism of her necklace and its symbolism or your derisive use of the word woke. As for the "pointlessness" of fighting for women's rights: we certainly have come a long way here in the Western world, but we still have a long way ahead of us, too. Just think about the trafficking of girls for sex around the world that you mentioned in your comment, for instance.

      We all use those means and channels we have to fight for a better world. Meghan's strength is her status as a well-known person, and she uses that status and her voice to promote important issues. Other people have other strengths and ways. You have yours, I have mine.

      Let's just not use our energy and time to mock and scoff other people, especially not other women.

      With respect,

    9. Anonymous10/5/21 22:45

      @ Vanessa, once again you have highjacked a poppy patterned dress and a speech of a few minutes into a 'trollesque' departure from the topic to promote your own agenda. Where is your grain of sand to improve the conditions of women in these countries? Meaningful revolution in an country usually comes from within. The reverse would be an outside invasion with values imposed on the populace without regard for the culture and customs. Inevitably a poor education always rears its head.

    10. To A1:
      I highjacked a dress? Or a speech? No, I´m just commenting.
      It´s the duchess who hijacked this event and made it all about her agenda. Not only does she support vaccine pushing which is iffy enough, but she also used this platform to get out both her feminist message and her race message.
      I´m reacting to her. My comment is very much on topic because SHE brought it up.

      Where is my "grain of sand to improve the conditions of women in these countries"? - Following your logic, I shouldn´t be involved with these women because it would be an "outside invasion". Of course, I don´t share your logic, so I think there are things one could do to help, on an individual level mind you, for instance to visit third world countries and directly trade with women (buy their produce directly from them), and to help people from third world countries to integrate into mine - both of which I have done extensively. Before you accuse me of making it all about myself or departing from the topic I´ll kindly say this: I´m answering YOUR question, and it is actually irrelevant to the point I was making.

      "Meaningful revolution in a country usually comes from within. The reverse would be an outside invasion with values imposed on the populace without regard for the culture and customs."
      - There is so much I could say to that.
      1) Revolution "usually" from within? Isn´t it always? Especially since you note yourself that any revolution from the outside is equal to an invasion?
      2) Shouldn´t you too be critical of this Global citizen´s vax-campaign because it pushes vaccination programmes on these countries literally from the outside? Isn´t that an invasion then according to your own definition? The global scale of this vaccine campaign should have you think because its one-size-fits-all approach is very much disregarding local customs and culture. It is very much imposed from the western world with western values, isn´t it?
      3) I think one shouldn´t at all push anything on anyone, but even if you think one could or even should - why prioritize women? Not only does it contradict the women empowerment thought (how empowered are you if you need foreign help?), it also contradicts the "communities coming together" narrative of Meghan. If this is a joint effort by humanity as Meghan makes it out to be - shouldn´t we be very careful with ranking people? I cannot help but cringe at Meghan saying "... my husband and I believe it is critical that our recovery prioritizes the health, safety and success of everyone - and particularly women." *Everyone* already includes women, and prioritizing anyone is the opposite of equality.

      I for one couldn´t care less what Meghan "believes". It is not very credible anyway to preach equality from villa with a large garden while wearing designer clothes and enjoying the benefits or an aristocratic title.

    11. Anonymous11/5/21 21:07

      My apologies, I could not read your entire sermon, but here goes...The original narrative centered around the fashion and the event. Pretending to be obtuse to hijacking the the topic with your extended sermon is either not a good look or bypassing comprehension altogether. The Sussexes were invited to be co-chairs of the event. Once the pandemic dies down we can expect to see this many times in the immediate future because at this point in time they bring in a certain audience. Obviously they agreed not to have Meghan in a crowd situation, so she did her speech from home and chose to see the pandemic from the angle of women and what they have lost and stand to lose as it continues. Are you aware that women's rights and feminist issues are offered as university degrees? meaning that there are many women and men out there working with degrees in this discipline who share Meghan's platform. They are not famous, but they are out there working. Meghan does not need to travel to your handpicked locations to champion women's rights. That change has to be done by the citizens and enforceable under the law to be meaningful and permanent.

      I am sorry that you do not see the difference between working with the govt. and healthcare system of a country to vaccinate its population as Global Citizen is trying to do, and an irrational need to criticize someone who tries to help, all in the name of 'I am entitled to my opinion', whether it lacks content or lucidity.

      PS The term 'your grain of sand' means what you are willing to do to help. For instance, a donation of $5 will be matched to $20 by the large companies helping to sponsor the event. At about $4 per vaccine that helps 4 people.
      Travelling to a third world country and purchasing from women is irrelevant with travel restrictions in place literally everywhere. Who knows they may have expired from Covid by the time we get there.
      Have a good evening!

    12. A1 - Thanks for reply. Of course I read all of it.
      Regarding going off-topic: I reacted to what was in the post. The post is the topic.

      I know they are co-chairs of the campaign - Meghan says so herself in the video. What´s your point? With them both being co-chairs on the same campaign, I don´t see what she can bring to the table that he can´t. Oh wait - except playing the woman card and the race card...

      Funny you should bring up feminism degrees. I wonder what those degree holders can do about women´s right (from abroad no less) when "the change has to be done by the citizens and enforcable under the law to be meaningful and permanent."

      I have a major problem with private campaigns such as this getting governments to act and implement agendas. If you don´t that´s fine, but then maybe you shouldn´t be talking about lawfulness and human rights.

      And lastly regarding trading directly with poor people: it is not only helpful to do so; trading is the ONLY way to help them establish a sustainable business, and the more direct the trade, the better. Yes, travel restrictions are in place now making direct trade largely impossible - which btw is the exact reason why so many people are now threatened with extreme poverty which then triggers secondary problems like violence. And not only in third world countries.

      Vaccines won´t solve these problems.

    13. Anonymous12/5/21 03:23

      Ladies, it looks like there are a few of you that have not had previous experience with Vanessa. She is passionate in her beliefs, and unyielding. There are no arguments able to persuade her, and she does not ever admit there may be another way to look at things. She always has her soapbox at the ready, and does not hesitate to stand on it. She does not take this pandemic very seriously, does not believe in masks or other precautions for the greater good, nor does she believe in the vaccine. She would argue with a statue to get her point across. Engage at your own risk. You are only talking to yourself. I learned to ignore these comments to avoid this useless back and forth. It never makes any difference. I usually find her fashion comments spot on, however, and enjoy reading them.
      --hoping to help

    14. Anonymous14/5/21 16:38

      To --hoping to help
      You are very correct in your summation of Vanessa!! I however have not agreed with her fashion comments most of the time. Everyone has a right to their opinion and this website is here to voice that opinion. Since Vanessa "always has her soapbox at the ready, and does not hesitate to stand on it" I have made the habit of just scrolling down to the next comment when I see the name Vanessa. So I did not read all the past comments of hers (waste of my time). From past experience I am sure there was some negative comment about the vaccine...

      So I will say this, speaking from a family who has been part of the medical and scientific world (not the political!!) in the United States for over 30 years the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe, effective and will save lives and anyone who says different is only speaking from ignorance!


  8. Duchess Meghan is gleaming in her beautiful print dress. The color is so radiant in the bright California sunshine.....Her hair looks so sophisticated parted on the side as well. I applaud the couple for encouraging getting the vaccine to wipe out covid-19 all over the world.. Fitzhugh

    1. Agree with all the points you make @Fitzhugh.
      Yes, The Duchess is gleaming.
      Bravo to the Duke and Duchess who have chosen a difficult road in their lives.
      I admire their courage.

  9. Anonymous10/5/21 12:58

    I love poppy print fabric. Nice dress but because it isn't maternity clothes the fit is off. Meghan's hair is well styled but I think it is too long. It overwhelms her delicate features and petite frame. I do like the lighter color.


  10. Anonymous10/5/21 12:58

    This shade of red highlights the warm tones of her skin coloring. The cheerful flower print is suitable for this time of year and the California weather. Hair and makeup, well done. (Your preference for someone else's hair crosses a certain line)
    *It was announced that along with P&G, Meghan donated diapers and other supplies to pregnant women at a homeless shelter. Bravo!

  11. Anonymous10/5/21 13:03

    Meghan looks good in red, it just gives a nice glow to her skin. I also like her hair parted to the side like that, it does suit her face better. A worthy cause for Harry and Meghan to support. I prefer the minimal make-up she used to wear in the UK, but that’s only my opinion since I dont wear any make-up I’m not well clued in on what is the in thing to do makeup wise.


  12. Anonymous10/5/21 13:08

    She looks great and healthy. The colour suits her perfectly and her hair is gorgeous. And the message is even more important. Hope they will have a healthy girl.
    - B.

  13. I'm curious about the necklace. Is that like a tiny lightning bolt?

    1. Anonymous10/5/21 15:50

  14. Meghan does look lovely. Her make-up is very well done. The color of the dress is flattering to her. And her hair is beautifully styled with the exception of the bottom few inches which should be chopped off. All that said, I have to say that I just have difficulty looking at her now after that interview which I thought was thoroughly disgraceful.

    1. Anonymous10/5/21 16:22

      Well, then don’t look at her and don’t comment about her, it’s a very easy choice, just move on.

    2. Anonymous10/5/21 16:25

      She looks very nice , the vibrant colors are very flattering. Yes her hair is a bit too long for my taste ( as it is Catherine’s) but that is just their preference and it doesn’t take away from their loveliness.
      Miss Marple

    3. Anonymous10/5/21 18:59

      Beverley24 - agree she looks lovely and well. I also have mixed feelings about both Meghan and Harry since the notorious interview. However, I haven't found it has stopped me from appreciating when she looks nice. So I'll keep looking and state my opinion in the same perfectly polite way you have.

      People who don't like that can stop reading and commenting on anything they don't like.


  15. Anonymous10/5/21 16:30

    I think a clenched fist worn visibly anywhere on one's body is tasteless and a highly embarrassing choice. Empowered is a person who needs no symbols around her neck nor a title to make people listen. (-Ann.)

    1. Anonymous10/5/21 20:17

      Ann, tasteless and embarrassing is your comment.

    2. Anonymous10/5/21 23:43

      Anne, I have a question, is your disdain about wearing a symbolic necklace because A: you dislike this woman. B: you dislike the cause. C: you dislike any show of support to any entity, or is it A,B &C?.
      I wear a lovely gold and pink ribbon trinket on a bracelet to honor the women/ men that suffered the disease and support breast cancer awareness, many wear a myriad of supporting ribbons to honor police, fallen heroes etc.. Christians wear crosses, Jews wear stars, some wear peace, motherly love, sweetheart love, animal rescue support,unicef, and many more symbols in the form of jewelry. Millions of people wear T-shirts to create awareness for many different causes. Do we all deserve your judgment?
      Your comment reeks of perceived higher moral standards, and very little empathy.

    3. Anonymous11/5/21 09:44

      "Your comment reeks of perceived higher moral standards": Yours too, I must say, because you are jugdemental about my comments instead of simply asking the legitimate questions you ask afterwards. As to wearing symbols, generally: yes why not. But, a clenched fist is basically a very inappropriate symbol, and for a case like "woman empowerment" even more. We don't want to use instruments (e.g. a fist) the use of which we condemn, do we? and we don't want to use ones that have been used against us, or do we? A clenched fist is a symbol for violence. All the symbols you list are not violent symbols.

  16. Totally agree with Vanessa.

  17. Anonymous10/5/21 18:27

    The dress looks nice and casual.

    But Vanessa, unfortunately you don't have a clue what's the real problem with pandemic. The only way to get rid of the virus is to vaccinate as many people as possible. That's the only way to get rid of it. -Siri

  18. We all should ignore`anything coming from her. She escaped to her mansion in California to get away from anything royal. So let her be totally anonymous already.

    1. Anonymous10/5/21 23:44

      Yes, you should ignore her and stop writing about her….

    2. Anonymous10/5/21 23:46

      Well said!

    3. Anonymous11/5/21 08:07

      Absolutely well said!

  19. Anonymous10/5/21 19:53

    Nice color on the Duchess of Sussex.

    Don't like the Sussex's platform: redundant to all the other charities, nothing original established other than having incorporating themselves, seem to assume that Influencing is a useful manipulation of the media and others (except when it's wrong)... I lose my way when I try to follow their message.

    The dress has a flattering neckline and I like the Duchess's gold bracelet.

  20. Ich dachte der Titel wurde ihr aberkannt ??

    1. Nochmals: nein, wurde er nicht! Sie (und Harry) dürfen sich nur nicht mehr HRH (His/Her Royal Highness) nennen. Ihm wurde bei seiner Heirat das Herzogtum Sussex verliehen und das wurde ihm nicht aberkannt. Dafür bräuchte es einen Parlamentsbeschluss und einen mehr als triftigen Grund, wie z.B. Hochverrat. Und da er den Herzogstitel weiterhin trägt, ist auch sie als seine Ehefrau berechtig, sich Herzogin zu nennen. Ohne Voranstellung der formellen Anrede "Königliche Hoheit" (HRH) halt.

    2. Anonymous10/5/21 23:36

      She already knew the answer. Hannelore is one of the usual people that likes to stir the pot. ~d

  21. Anonymous10/5/21 20:00

    She looks great of course. My problem with H and M is that are trying so hard to be Hollywood stars and just ARE NOT! And after the untruths told in the Oprah interview, who can believe anything they say? They are a very pushy couple. Ann B

  22. Anonymous10/5/21 20:09

    Dress is ok, hair with/without extensions a clone to Catherine, a fist necklace rather odd, if you are empowered, you don't need something to prove it, you just are. Its rather more a symbol that she is trying way to hard to emulate being empowered. My thoughts on the subject. Davi - PS: Agree with Vanessa

  23. Anonymous10/5/21 20:17

    The celebrity is asking people to donate $ 5 on vaccines for poor countries (in their letter)
    A true philanthropist donates his own money. An already old Roman proverb says: "Exempla trahunt." = examples attract.
    The older I get, the more allergic I am to non elected celebrities, show business figures and privileged rich persons giving lessons and challenges to other people what to do, how to live, etc. I think that this role should be left to politicians. They are elected by us to act and they are to act on behalf of the voters who elected them. We will hold them accountable for coping with coronaepidemic.

    1. Anonymous11/5/21 01:59

      The last politician who was entrusted with the management of the pandemic did a really great job. ...more that 500,000 deaths in the US.
      Non elected celebrities let the world know that in South Africa there are 10,000 vaccines for 60 million people, and the earliest some people will be vaccinated is 2023. This causes allergies for some folk.

    2. Anonymous11/5/21 06:02

      To anon 1:59
      And you didn't know it without those celebrities? (that in South Africa there are 10,000 vaccines for 60 million people). And be fair: vaccines were not put to use by scientists until early 2021, when the politician you mentioned was no longer in power.

  24. Anonymous10/5/21 20:28

    @Paula dot even waste your time answering the regular troll, they just love to get on social media to pontificate and promote their vitriol, the horrible situation of not only women but many citizens of impoverished countries does not affect them, and if somebody with visibility dares to talk about it, well, they just turn their attacks towards them. You can’t fight haters, is better to ignore them.
    Miss Marple.

  25. Anonymous10/5/21 20:29

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous10/5/21 21:05

      Your comment is as pathetic as it is ridiculous. But alas, this is how wokeness works. (-Ann).

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Anonymous10/5/21 20:31

    Color is good, but iI dont like an all-over large pattern.
    Mrs Markle resigned from her senior position in the British Royal Family, did not she? Then why do you write about her in the "British royalty" section? However, she expressed clear disgust with the British royal family. Replace the word "British" with something else - e.g. American, Californian ...

    1. Anonymous10/5/21 20:43

      Because she is married to a Prince of the Blood from the British Royal Family. Therefore, she (and her husband) is part of the British Royal Family. She didn't resign from the family, she resigned from the job.


    2. Anonymous11/5/21 00:33

      She didn't resign but sure threw the whole family under the bus on live tv. Jen

  27. It is hard not to encourage people to get the vaccine when in the united States alone already we have had 33 million cases of the virus and six hundred thousand people have died. At its peak we were averaging 250 thousand cases a day and now under our current president who is promoting vaccinations that number had dropped to 47 thousand cases a day. What a difference! Finally when Duchess Meghan is getting beat up on Princess Charlene gets a break.

    1. Anonymous11/5/21 05:43

      @ FITZHUGH. Amen!!

    2. Yeah, make the best of it Princess Charlene.
      You must be on the short list now for some (no-matter_what) bashing.

  28. I really like the dress of this private citizen - lively, bright colours really suit her. I agree that she should cut her hair a bit, the lower quarter of it hangs about looking a bit tired and uninspired.

  29. Ihr angeblich großes Bedürfnis nach sozialem Engagement ,
    dient nur ihrem Drang sich selbt darzustellen und davon zu profitieren .
    Kein Mensch in Not braucht eine MM , die ihre Designer Kleidchen
    vorführen möchte.

  30. Anonymous11/5/21 15:10

    It seems like she and her husband jumps on the band wagon of whichever issues that gathers the most publicity. heidi

    1. Anonymous12/5/21 20:16

      Instead of criticising them for it you should prize them for using their position for something good for the world. - Sarah

  31. This lady in pink is such a divisive figure. A positive message, pretty cloth, but is it for show or sincerity from heart? Every time she opens her mouth, I am questioning her truthfulness after she made so many lies on that dreadful interview.

  32. Anonymous11/5/21 21:56

    @(-Ann) I find your comment about a fist symbol totally devoid of rationale. Are you familiar with Rosie The riveter poster? Fist up in the air with the message that women were strong enough to do jobs that were considered inappropriate for us during WWII,
    Ever since then the fist has been associated with women empowerment. Athletes do it when they achieve victory, people fist bump each other when they are happy or feel celebratory, of course one can always cast a sinister connotation to a perfectly innocent image . You can absolutely disagree with female equality or the approach to the cause, but to associate this image with violence is a false equivalence.
    Best Regards

    1. Anonymous11/5/21 22:54

      @Cherry B./CB: To show one's deltoid muscle (as a symbol of strength) you pull up your sleeve and clench your fist - this is what Rosie the Riveter does on the poster, she shows us her deltoid, this is the complete picture, the focus is not the fist. So one point for me is that I detest violent symbols and a clenched fist is such a symbol, sorry. The other is that I find it ridiculous when people who did not accomplish anything worth mentioning publicly choose to lecture other people how they should behave and about the Good and the Bad in the World. There is no authentic weight behind their words, so in talking woke things, they elevate not the cause they talk about but themselves. And all this with a clenched fist around the neck combined with a Cartier watch ... what a telling combination: she is nobody (in the above sense of having authority to lecture other people), so she kind of borrows things that are (or stand for) something she wants to convey in order to give her words the weight they as a person lack. I hope you get my meaning, English is not my native language. (-Ann.)

    2. Well said, Ann. I couldn´t agree more.

    3. Anonymous12/5/21 02:37

      The Cartier she wore was Princess Diana's. ~d

  33. Anonymous12/5/21 11:13

    @Anon 02:37: Of course I know that the Cartier watch belonged to Diana. This is part of my own argument above. Meghan is pretty and intelligent but nothing more - a mediocre woman who wants to have a certain status in order to preach to us commons. She tries it by means of showing what she *has* (title, Dianas watch, Montecito residence, Prince husband), not what she *is*. (-Ann.)

    1. Anonymous12/5/21 15:23

      Wow! So is not the symbols is just your personal dislike for this woman.
      Talk about lecturing people. Your post above is just about the most judgmental, thing I have seen in a while,

    2. @Ann in response to 15:23, a little history. In the jewelry inheritance, Diana's ring was left to H and the watch to W. When W wanted to get engaged, H traded the ring for the watch in a gesture of goodwill to his brother. Why is it okay for one DIL to wear the ring but not so for the other DIL to wear the watch. These are checkable facts.
      To call Meghan mediocre is the purview of a cyclops. At 35 she was living in another country and not being propped up by her parents while waiting for the chosen suitor to pop the question.
      Mediocre is living off your family in your 30's
      Mediocre is being unable to read a simple speech off of 4 cue cards.
      Mediocre is not being seen doing representation for 55 days until the press mentions it, and no there was not a leave issue.

    3. Anonymous12/5/21 18:56

      @Ann in response to 15:23, a little history. Diana's ring was left to H and the watch to W. When W wanted to get engaged, H traded the ring for the watch in a gesture of goodwill to his brother. Why is it okay for one DIL to wear the ring but not so for the other DIL to wear the watch. These are checkable facts. Harry is entitled to give his wife whatever he wants to from his mother's collection as it is left to him, as happens in any family.
      To call Meghan mediocre is the purview of a cyclops. At 35 she was living and working in another country and not being propped up by her parents while waiting for the chosen suitor to pop the question.
      * In the following, the names have been omitted to protect the innocent.
      Mediocre is living off your family in your 30's because you did not make use of your studies in your 20's to establish a career.
      Mediocre is to have a CV with 2 lines on it and the third line may not be written for the next 20 years.
      Mediocre is being unable to read a simple speech off of 4 cue cards.
      Mediocre is not being seen doing representation for 55 days until the press mentions it, and no, it was a leave issue.
      Mediocre is scrambling to up your game 10 years after joining a firm by co-opting the game plan of the newer employee.
      Mediocre is being outed by your charity that they have not seen you in 8 years.
      Mediocre is complaining that the ex-employees have left you with the work and it is hard to work and raise children, instead of doing like Rosie the Riveter.
      Mediocre is not speaking up when someone else is dragged mercilessly for something you did.
      etc. etc. etc.
      Bravery, is taking a leap of faith into the unknown and even though the jury is still out, surviving and thriving.
      Blue Eyes.

  34. Anonymous12/5/21 17:13

    For someone who despises the archaic monarchy she sure clings to that royal title for dear life. She sure like hearing herself talk.

  35. Anonymous12/5/21 20:17

    People should learn some normal decency for reading these nasty comments are embarrassing. -Sarah

  36. Anonymous12/5/21 20:26

    @MarigoldB, very well expressed. It’s difficult to read the comments of what I assume are mostly women, I don’t know the character of either member of the family, but facts are facts regarding the trajectory of what’s public knowledge. This used to be a very civil forum, but when some specific women are portrayed, the gates of hate open. I always though that The Suxesses lives were hellish behind closed doors, and the famous interview intimated just that. The disparaging comments on social media are only a minuscule sample of how cruel and judgmental people can be. Nobody mentions the fact ( but I will) that for years they were accusing Meghan of making Catherine cry and she was portrayed as Cruella Deville, while the other one was made into a saint by the trashy magazines and their avid consumers, where is the kindness of this family that allowed such travesty? Not everybody is a hundred percent good or bad, we are all flawed humans, but these privileged, rich and influential people generally lack acceptance and inclusion. Meghan was doomed from the start, American, actress, biracial, independent, divorced and worst of all a woman of conviction. We can agree with her views or not, but this bashing is just repugnant.

    1. Anonymous13/5/21 19:24

      no one know who made who cried except the two women. So unless you were there you are just as ignorance as the rest of us. Anyone can twist the truth to fit their agenda and their version of what went down.
      The problem with Ms professional woke victim was everyone else wronged her and she's blameless no matter what. To throw your in law family under the bus on live tv while the grandfather in the hospital is far worse. So before you start lecturing to other people about their opinion look at your idol behaviour first. blossom.

    2. Anonymous14/5/21 02:52

      Nice pirouette @ Blossom, but if only the two of them knew the truth and Meghan was not the one who leaked the incident to the press SIX months later to cause damage, then that leaves.....
      You did not live behind the scenes with them, they are the only ones who can tell what happened. If there were no issues, then they would have been there still.
      Stop being a royal toady. You know that interviews are shot, then edited, and segments are redone. This takes weeks. It was not a live interview. No one stops living because their almost 100 year old grandpa is ill. Grandpa was discharged from the hospital so the interview had nothing to do with his health.
      Noticeably only Meghan is blamed for the interview even though Harry's revelations were much more damaging. Simply put, its the peanut gallery with fake outrage for this privileged family continuing to keep their knee on Meghan's neck.
      Philip-ill-in-hospital came from GMB. Stop repeating others words. A1

    3. Anonymous14/5/21 07:29

      Again, I can only agree with your comment.
      The Sussexes' behaviour is beyond any basic moral rule, and sense of true compassion.
      They cannot lecture anybody about anything nor can anyone who idolize them.

  37. Anonymous13/5/21 22:53

    I hope she would talk to her husband to stop blabbering on and trashing his family on talk show and radio. For god sake the queen and family still mourning prince Phillip passing. Until that happens their preaching is just empty word salad. Have some freaking compassion. jill

    1. Anonymous14/5/21 07:06

      I can only agree with you.
      Pure truth and most valuable comment.
      They had no compassion for dying Prince Philip and let their disgusting interview be aired all the same, they threw an entire family under a bus, they are still embarassing for the Firm and themselves with all their fake preachings.
      They owe their contracts to their bonds with the Royal Family and their titles.
      They despise the Firm but exploit whaever can come from being part of that Family.
      They have lost any credit and dignity.

  38. Anonymous14/5/21 00:41

    I hope the stimulus check helps them get some professional help.

    1. Anonymous14/5/21 11:49

      Keep your day job.

    2. Anonymous14/5/21 16:00

      Funica, did you get yours? It doesn’t seem to have helped you a lot.

    3. Anonymous14/5/21 16:48

      The thing is any therapist with half a brain would tell the duo that revenging, bashing your loved ones and airing dirty laundry in public is not healing and cause more suffering to both parties. He's keeps changing his story of when and who helped him getting treatment. All I can say is get a new therapist and shut your mouth for once. The world is a happier place when we don't have to hear you rehashing your problems the teenth time for commercial gain. Seems like he has nothing intelligent to talk about but his so called hard life. Jk

    4. Anonymous14/5/21 18:38

      Yes, I guess Harry has nothing intelligent to say at all.
      The other one keeps on with her pointless lectures about compassion, inclusion and whatever can bring her five minutes' public exposure.

  39. Anonymous14/5/21 10:21

    Every word Harry is uttering publicly about his cosmic sufferings is cementing the distance he thinks he needs. - What Harry does not seem to consider is the fact that by breaking up his family ties in this unnecessarily rude way (for the whole world to hear) he deprives his own children of grandparents and uncles and aunts and cousins, of a functioning background family that needs to be established in childhood. So he is creating a brand new "tradition of pain" for his children ... (-Ann.)

    1. Anonymous14/5/21 16:56

      My thoughts exactly.

    2. Anonymous14/5/21 17:13


    3. Anonymous14/5/21 17:34

      This woman has burnt bridges with her own family as well, in fact preventing her children from having any relationship whatsoever with relatives on both parts.
      If Harry just wanted to start a new life far from the Firm, he could have done that before marrying Meghan and without this public outpouring of personal hate towards the Royals.
      And, above all , without exploiting the Windsors' name.
      He should have used his own strength and value to build something remarkable in his life without using his bonds with the Royal Family for his own purposes.
      This publicly dragging the Royal Family in his endless tendency towards self- pity and whining is getting really too much.

  40. Anonymous14/5/21 15:59

    Deprives his children of grandparents?.. allow me to laugh a little. Do you truly think that Charles plays weekly with the little ones? I have no idea what their family dynamics are, but they certainly aren’t like ours, we seem to have short memories as when Diana was vilified for not wanting to travel without her children, not until she arrived the people saw authentic family pictures, all the while daddy was too busy playing house with Camilla ahem…. There I said it.

  41. Anonymous14/5/21 16:07

    @Blossom, exactly only the 2 of them know, and finally we do too, but you know, I believe the Meghan version, perhaps because I don’t hold any grudges against her.
    Casually I was looking at a post from the Danish family in Paris… how weird is that nobody criticizes this couple that have left their obligations, live on a different country and continue to receive the family support… perhaps because they are quiet or because the Meghan-Harry tabloid story has all of you brain washed…. Or it gives you the chance to judge and display your hate on social media… I wonder.

    1. Anonymous14/5/21 18:41

      What about the Sussexes' display of public hate for the Royal Family?
      Do you think it is sane?

    2. Anonymous14/5/21 18:52

      Oh sorry , just forgot...
      The reason why nobody complains about Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Danemark is very simple: they did not decide to go away, it was decided by the Palace as they themselves explained in their interviews.
      They never chose to resign nor to step back from their duties.
      Despite this, they never publicly despised the Danish Royal Family or aired dirty laundry the way the Sussex did and still do because Joachim and Marie know what class and dignity are.
      It could be useful to take some more information about them.

    3. Anonymous15/5/21 00:38

      @P. more disinformation! In this link, both royals were interviewed and indicated that moving was not their choice. Here is another spare who outlived his usefulness once his brother created a family,
      Try not to elevate some in order to denigrate someone with no facts to back it up.

    4. Anonymous15/5/21 06:52

      No disinformation at all.
      Please, read my previous comment more accurately.
      I said what you are saying now, that is it was not Joachim and Marie' s choice.
      They never decided to leave, the Palace decide for them.
      I am not trying to elevate anybody, I am just saying facts: Joachim and Marie never despised or hated the Danish Royal Family publicly after moving to Paris nor did they throw anybody under a bus.
      That is what I call class and dignity.

    5. Anonymous15/5/21 12:27

      @P. I stand corrected. In other words they were pushed out because they are not needed. Unlike H&M however they are most likely still tied to the royal purse in terms of salary and security. Whatever happened in the background to warrant this, has not been shared with the press for national enjoyment. Let us not forget that P. Henrik was not shy about airing his grievances in public. However, this family smooths over their differences and presents a united front for the gallery.
      The Sussexes are seemingly very badly bruised by their experience (and we have no idea of the true scope of this) and are still working through their grief, and disappointment with the family. It was Harry who said in the interview that he asked them to 'call off the dogs' and nothing was done. Yet, the same dogs were called off to prevent ugly stories from being printed about others.

  42. @MM Please add to your list the Princess Madeleine of Sweden who has made her 'non royal' life in America with her family and then add the Princess Märtha Louise of Norway who has given notice that she is moving to America with her new black american companion, Durek Verrett . And the Queen's grandaughter, Zara Phillips and her rugby player husband, who have put on hold their plan to move to Australia, probably because of the recent birth of their son.
    And then there was Lady Davina Windsor, the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, who went off to New Zealand and then married a Maori who became the first known person of Maori descent to enter into the British Royal Family (they are currently going through a divorce). He bought with him a son from a previous relationship.
    Lots of hot scandal from the above list but the tabloids obviously haven't been able to turn these names into money makers.
    Harry and Meghan certainly get the prize for being able to bring in the bucks for the gutter press and for bloggers having almost sleepless nights in front of the computer screen.

    1. Anonymous14/5/21 21:18

      Neither Madeleine nor Martha Louise have ever made such a mean public display of hate towards their families
      like the Sussexes' have done so far.
      Sorry, there are no excuses and no comparisons can be made.

  43. Anonymous14/5/21 20:28

    Ann @ P, do you guys give free advice about family relationships to everybody, or just to the Royals of whom you know nothing about?

    1. Anonymous14/5/21 21:43

      Nobody knows them, including yourself.
      We get to know the Sussexes' worst performances' thanks' to their endless publicly whining and playing the victims caused by their being 'mistreated'( this is their truth, of course) in front of the cameras , through books or any other means of communication which can bring them money and public attention.
      Their despising or hating their respective families is more than obvious.

  44. Anonymous15/5/21 07:00

    Dear P, your comments are highly disagreeable and you seem to be the only one spewing hate here.
    The way I see it the Sussexes got tired of being trashed by the tabloids and the internet trolls, they are free to give their version as of why they left, it may not fit your narrative, but your input here seems a little too invested, not healthy….

    1. Anonymous15/5/21 11:01

      I see nothing healthy in your comment too as well as in others idolizing this couple.

  45. Anonymous15/5/21 07:17

    I really can’t understand the anger of regular folk that aren’t remotely affected by this couple’s decision to leave a family that really don’t seem to give a hoot about them. IMO the easy way would have been to stay and enjoy the privileged life of the family, butlers, maids, nannies, hairdressers, personal trainers, country mansions, receptions, hunting (aghhh) luxury vacations, oh let’s not forget the helicopter to take then to their mini vacation, just saw the Cambridge’s and their children leaving on one. All they had to do is attend the functions dictated by the firm, never, ever patronize any personal initiative or belief, never express their opinion, smile until their faces fall off, put up with the tabloid trash, the denigration, the insults to their unborn child, and never expect that the firm would defend their family, however they surely were fast to pulverize the press that dared to publish William’s supposed affair last year….. the nerve!!
    Miss Marple.

  46. Anonymous15/5/21 09:05

    @P/Vanessa. Do not vouch for people you do not know. The difference between the Sussexes and the other people who moved is that their family stood by them. Harry himself said it hurt that none of them supported him publicly during their lowest point..not even his brother! and he was their favorite!!
    The other houses have quietly reorganized so that the children can go out into the world and earn a living . The most recent example, the Swedes. Those children will also see their grandparents infrequently.
    As for morals, pick any house and do the most casual research.

  47. Anonymous15/5/21 16:18

    @P… idolizing? No, you are confused I I have zero connection with this couple, but I don’t have in me to go on social media and start bashing people. Nor do I think that I am entitled to judge their situation. Again, all this hate is very unhealthy.

    1. Anonymous15/5/21 21:49

      I can see you are very confused , actually.
      You are judging me for my free opinions and alluding to something not' healthy 'in my words, which is rude and disagreable to say , but above all untrue and absurd.
      No, I do not have any connection with them either, but I am free to express my views and share others' without you offending me with your sharp words'spew hate'.
      I am not used to perfect strangers talking to me this way.
      You have your view about the Sussexes,I have mine.
      I was talking to other people as you can see above.
      I have not asked you anything.
      You just started this conversation, which I do not want to carry on anymore, sorry.

  48. Anonymous16/5/21 00:27

    Hey P, stop being a snowflake… you don’t like when people debate you , but you surely dish it out… opinions are a dime a dozen, everybody has one, your comments are judgments .
    Agree with the commenters above, you are too invested on this couple. And yes, your comments are unkind.

    1. P. made some valid points above. And unlike most others, she gave reasons for her opinion. I for one agree with her 100%.
      (I´m assuming "P" is a woman, sorry if I´m wrong.)

  49. Anonymous22/5/21 08:24

    Thank you , Vanessa, that is very kind of you.
    What Harry is doing is beyond comments.
    It is sad how others' views are badly attacked on this site.
    I am a woman.
    Have a nice day.


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