Crown Princess Victoria attended a Christmas service in the Royal Chapel

Crown Princess Victoria wore a bright red 1950s style peplum jacket from By Malina. Delpozo belted cotton peplum jacket. Tiger of Sweden coat

On Christmas Eve, December 23, 2020, Crown Princess Victoria attended a Christmas service in the Royal Chapel at Stockholm Palace. The Crown Princess read a passage from the Bible (Luke 2: 1-20) about the birth of Jesus, which is read in many churches and homes during the Christmas weekend. Due to the pandemic, this year's Christmas services have been canceled. Many congregations, including the Court Parish, hold online Christmas services.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a bright red 1950s style peplum jacket from By Malina. Delpozo belted cotton peplum jacket. Tiger of Sweden coat

Crown Princess Victoria wore a bright red 1950s style peplum jacket from By Malina. Delpozo belted cotton peplum jacket. Tiger of Sweden coat

Crown Princess Victoria attended a Christmas service

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  1. In every aspect: well done Victoria!

  2. I don't have to understand Swedish to follow along with her reading of the Christmas story from the Book of Luke. Her demeanor and voice were very expressive and soothing. The Crown Princess looks beautiful. Her dress (what I can see) fits perfectly and the brooch is lovely. I have one minor quibble, and that is: against the dark background, her earrings are barely visible; gold earrings to match her brooch would have been better, I think.

  3. A beautiful, flattering outfit for Victoria. Red is a very nice color on her.

    The story of the birth of Jesus comes through in any language. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Agree with you.

    2. Further agreement here. It's lovely to try to follow the story in Swedish and the Crown Princess looks great in this streamlined dress

  4. Veste ou robe joliment ceinturée ? dans une couleur lumineuse ; sa petite broche apporte une touche très délicate !

  5. CP Victoria looks perfect.

  6. CP Victoria und ihre Familie, haben sich sehr engagiert für di e Unterstützung der
    Bevölkerung im Corona Jahr eingesetzt. Das Victoria die Weihnachtsgeschichte
    liest ist eine tolle Geste. Sie sieht zu diesem Anlass perfekt aus und ihre wunderschönen Kirsch - Augen sind einzigartig.

  7. Beautiful and very dignified-looking princess in a jacket that seems tailored to her figure, in a red that illuminates her face.
    Perfect makeup, but the beauty of her face comes from within.
    Plus this great-sounding language: heart-strengthening Christmas video with a woman, as stable and reliable as Swedish granite!

  8. Exquisite!! She is the living demonstration of the principle "less is more" (only as far as outfits are concerned, of course :-)

  9. Very nice - in the spirit of the holidays but pared back and simple to keep the message centre stage.


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