Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon made video calls to three students

Crown Princess Mette-Marit. Vintage pale pink nude lace collar pleated blouse. Pale pink pintuck pleat shirt with lace collar

Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit made video calls to three students living in Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim, who have moved far from their families to study. During the video calls, three students, Ă…shild, William and Lovis had a conversation with the Crown Prince and Crown Princess about their different period of study due to the ongoing pandemic and their expectations for Christmas.

Crown Princess Mette-Marit. Vintage pale pink nude lace collar pleated blouse. Pale pink pintuck pleat shirt with lace collar
Crown Princess Mette-Marit. Vintage pale pink nude lace collar pleated blouse. Pale pink pintuck pleat shirt with lace collar


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  1. Quel couple plein de naturel ; Haakon vieillit avec beaucoup de charme ; délicieuse Mett-Marit dans ce chemisier rose-pastel aux plis "religieuse" verticaux harmonisé à un petit col original !

  2. Such a lovely couple. Haakon is looking so much like his mother in these photos.
    - Anon 9:13

  3. So happy to see them, they look great. MM looks beautiful. He is as handsome as always. They are one of my favorite couples.

  4. MM is wearing a lovely blouse with the stitching details in the front and the delicate color and lace collar.

    Good to see them both, he is handsome, she is beautiful.

  5. Lovely relaxed and unfussy couple. Both looking great.

  6. Nice and casual looking, and all students got a special delivery from the Oslo Palace kitchen with Christmas treats!

  7. Friendly, warm and unpretentious couple, and therefore royal!

  8. A wonderful engaged couple.
    Love them!

  9. Not only did they have a video call with the students. They also sent them a care package and Christmas card delivered by the Royal gard on their door before the call.


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