Queen Margrethe visited an open-air market in Cahors

Queen Margrethe of Denmark visited an open-air market which is in the city center of Cahors, close to the Cayx Palace. (The Cayx Palace (Château de Cayx) is a summer residence of the Danish royal family in Cahors, France.)
Queen Margrethe visited an open-air market which is in the city center of Cahors, close to the Cayx Palace
Queen Margrethe visited an open-air market which is in the city center of Cahors, close to the Cayx Palace
Queen Margrethe visited an open-air market which is in the city center of Cahors, close to the Cayx Palace
Queen Margrethe visited an open-air market which is in the city center of Cahors, close to the Cayx Palace


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  1. There has to be some friction after the announcement of Henri(k) not wanting to be buried next to his wife. I'm surprised the petulant, nasty 'spoiled little boy' still allows her access to his chateau.

    1. Isn't it her chateau? I thought she bought it.

    2. I think she paid for it. He has no money of his own. Although he considers himself a count, there is no Montpessat(?) registered as a noble clan.

    3. That is very interesting, ATL. Perhaps he's overcompensating for lack of authenticity.

    4. ATL - "Il est le fils d'AndrĂ© de Laborde de Monpezat (1907-1998), dit « comte de Montpezat » (issu d'une famille qui malgrĂ© un nom d'apparence noble n'appartient pas Ă  la noblesse"

    5. In Australia, we would say "Henrik" is digging his own grave.

      How ridiculous to complain about not being "equal" to his wife the Queen when his own "title" is pure fiction. Sad.

  2. Le prince Henrik peut dire "mon chateau" mais c'est la reine Margrethe qui l'a paye...

  3. I feel for this pleasant, dutiful and dignified lady. Henrik is in the news again with claims that his wife does not show him respect. What a dreadful way for him to behave after a long marriage to a loyal spouse.

    1. Good point, Pine! Wouldn't be surprised if the palace PR department is thinking a divorce or separation announcement will help separate the monarch from the sentiments coming from the rogue prince.

    2. "Le roi Henrik abdique"

      Anders Breinholt, a écrit sur Twitter "Le roi Henrik abdique", en référence aux regrets exprimés en privé par le prince consort de ne pas avoir ce titre.

  4. His chateau? I do not think so. Bought with Danish money no doubt.

    1. Sorry, I did not know the chateau belonged to Margrethe.

  5. Queen Margrete is vacationing in "his" chateau? To me it looks as if she has thrown him out, which wouldn't surprise me at all after all he has done to her.

  6. Anelle 10 August, 2017

    I love the way she does her own shopping, and that she is not to grand to do it herself, and is that a lady-in-waiting with her?

  7. once again nothing to do with fashion here.....

    1. Personally, I think the owner of this blog can decide what direction she wants to take it in. These things can develop and broaden their remit...

    2. Totally agree with Franny. You can Grazia start to keep your own blog and decide what to talk in it. This is Helen´s blog and she has every right to make any tread she wants.

    3. Agree Franny and Blondiini ~ it is a very current discussion so why shouldn't we chat

    4. Agreed! I was all, "Where's the 'like' button?" haha! I like reading the comments about this. Makes me go look up what is happening. Thanks for the information! This is such a hobby of mine.

  8. I'm surprised she has put up with his little rants for so long. I'd have smacked him by now and said, "get in line! you knew when we a=were married what this would be so grow up and do what is expected"!

  9. Prince Henrik could learn a few things from the behavior of Prince Philip. Haven't heard Philip grudge about not being named King consort or say that he refuses to be buried next to his wife. In addition to being a constant source of support over the decades both publicly and privately to the Queen, he's carved out his OWN role over the past decades taking on his OWN causes and activities. Philip has his own firm identity and no one thinks of him as the Queen's puppet. Again, Henrik could learn a few things from Philip.


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