Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume visited Esch

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch (Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg's second largest city) on June 22, 2017 before "National Day". The Grand Duke's Official Birthday also known as Luxembourgish National Day is celebrated as the annual national holiday of Luxembourg on 23 June.
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the Esch. Princess Stephanie wore Paule Ka red dress, Prada pumps, gold earrings
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Grand Duke Henri, Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg attended celebrations of National Day on June 22, 2017 in Luxembourg.
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Grand Duke Henri, Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Grand Duke Henri, Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Grand Duke Henri, Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Grand Duke Henri, Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg


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  1. Anonymous23/6/17 02:14

    Perfect, Stephanie!!!!

  2. Very nice. Accessories and dress compliment one another.

  3. Stephanie looks wonderful! Beautiful hair arrangement--the best I have ever seen on her. Exquisite make-up. Dress is perfect. Bravo!

  4. Wow, she hired a Professional for her hair and Make-up. Beautiful from head to toe!

    1. On dirait qu'elle a légèrement éclairci ses cheveux et c'est trés bien !

  5. Lovely. Elegant and charming!

  6. Ooh, I like her hair, the earrings and the shoes not so much. Red is a good color on her.

  7. Love the dress, would love it even more if it was 2 centimeters longer. I don't like the hair at all, it is too old fashioned, more appropriate for a bridesmaid or a night event, and the earrings don't help either. She would have looked terrific with a ponytail with a little volume.

    1. Cherry, i just posted my comment and then read yours, i agree with you completely.

  8. She sure has done a 360 degrees turn from a few months ago. She looks great, the dress, the color, the hair. Beautiful!

  9. Nice hair. becoming color dress and just the right hem length. Cannot believe how much better she dresses now than just a few moths ago.

  10. Another hit for Stephanie 💃👌

  11. she is very charming! the dress looks good on her. perhaps her hair are a little bit too much for this day event?

  12. Beautiful, except for the granny shoes!

  13. Simply Wow! Someone wrote here earlier that she thought Stephanie could give duchess Catherine run for her money. I am getting to believe it!!

    1. That was me! It was when Kate visited Luxembourg, I was hoping Stephanie would step it up.
      She did, and has been keeping it up.

  14. Anonymous23/6/17 08:31

    o wow.... she is so beautiful :)

  15. Ravissante! c'est un plaisir

  16. Last few months has seen a change in Stephanie ! More attention to appearance. And these images are no exception. Red is a beautiful colour on her. Her hair and make up, very flattering. She looks beautiful !

  17. Simply wonderful look and lady ... except the shoes...

  18. A pleasure to see Stephanie so well put together. Keep it up!

  19. Well done, very lovely! She seems not only more beautiful and well turned out, but happier! Which makes me happy too!

  20. Wow! Stéphanie looks great. The red is her color, the cut of the dress suits her. There could still be some little improvements in the accessoires. But she is on her way. Professional makeup and matching lipstick make her smile even more beautiful. The hair as others mentioned before is well done but rather for an evening gown.

  21. I'm glad to know they are very much loved. How cute are those masks!?! Especially Stephanie's mask with a tiara. Those children are adorable!

  22. Absolutely lovely! She's so cute and looks so happy!

  23. One of Stéphanie's best looks since her wedding day …… years ago!

    1. Je partage totalement votre opinion. Elle est merveilleusement belle.

  24. Stephanie looks stunning! Vibrant colours really suit her and I love the gold earrings.

  25. Stephanie ..…beautiful..too beautiful

  26. i love Stephanie, and she has really improved... stunning. i so happy...

  27. The dress is lovely and suite her well but the shoes are way to matronly. I realy do not like her make-up; it looks very old fashioned like in the 80's, to much colour, Stehpanie would look so much better with natural colours.

  28. Lovely simple elegant dress. An elaborate hairdo - I admire the craft behind it but think it's possibly more of a fancy gown look but good for her for not playing it safe. It reminds me a bit if the hairstyles Princess Grace sometimes wore. I like the earrings - that big style is very trendy at the moment. Go Stéphanie!

  29. The biggest mistake (for me): the granny shoes.

  30. People, don't forget her mother in law, las pics: a stunning Lady!!

  31. Pleased to see her style evolution. Quite a departure from what we would have seen a year ago. And she has a beautiful face, great smile and a lovely demeanour I general. Now she seems to also have a new-found confidence. Makes me happy to see a post about her. Slowly but surely Stephanie is becoming one of my favourite royals.


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