Countess Sophie attended 'Open Farm Sunday' event

The Countess of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event held by LEAF in Hampshire yesterday on June 11. "Open Farm Sunday" is an open to the public day of agriculture industry. More than 1500 farmers in England open their doors to the public every year on a Sunday and hosts people. LEAF organization aims to incorporate consumers into sustainable food and agriculture industry by "Open Farm Sunday" and "Open Farm School Days" events.
Countess Sophie of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event in Hampshire and visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield
Countess Sophie of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event in Hampshire and visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield
Countess Sophie of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event in Hampshire and visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield
Countess Sophie of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event in Hampshire and visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield
On June 7, 2017, Countess Sophie of Wessex visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield. Also, the Countess visited staff, parents and children at Grange Park Children's Centrein Blackpool, to see the work done by Better Start. Afterwards, The Countess visited David Lewis Day Care centre in Macclesfield.
Countess Sophie of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event in Hampshire and visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield
Countess Sophie of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event in Hampshire and visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield
Countess Sophie of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event in Hampshire and visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield
Countess Sophie of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event in Hampshire and visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield
Countess Sophie of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event in Hampshire and visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield
Countess Sophie of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event in Hampshire and visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield
Countess Sophie of Wessex attended "Open Farm Sunday" event in Hampshire and visited Community Day Services Centre in Macclesfield

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  1. Always appropriate. Always smiling.

  2. I am glad to see her more frequently doing work for "the firm." About the only recommendation I can make is to roll up the sleeves on that pink blouse. They seem inordinately long! Navy and white really flatter her coloring.

  3. She looks lovely in both outfits. And I love her hair in an updo!

  4. One more for Team Updo!

  5. One more for Team Updo!

  6. Sophie as always looks lovely. As healthy and fine as she looks, she has put on a few pounds in the last few months. It was noticeable in the green gown she wore at the joint birthday celebrations of King and Queen of Norway. And more recently in the purple peplum jumper.

  7. Anonymous25/3/19 20:05

    Thanks for finally writing about >"Countess Sophie attended 'Open Farm Sunday' event" <Loved it!


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