Beatrice Borromeo, Tatiana and Alexandra at MC Fashion Week

Beatrice Borromeo, Andrea Casiraghi, Tatiana Santo Domingo and Princess Alexandra attended the fashion design award presentation ceremony held within the scope of the MC Fashion Week 2017 (MCFW17)at Oceanografisch Museum in Monte-Carlo, Monaco
Beatrice Borromeo, Princess Alexandra of Hanover, Tatiana Santo Domingo and Andrea Casiraghi at the MC Fashion Week 2017 for Muzungu Sisters Store
Beatrice Borromeo, Princess Alexandra of Hanover, Tatiana Santo Domingo and Andrea Casiraghi at the MC Fashion Week 2017 for Muzungu Sisters Store
Beatrice Borromeo, Princess Alexandra of Hanover, Tatiana Santo Domingo and Andrea Casiraghi at the MC Fashion Week 2017 for Muzungu Sisters Store

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  1. Tatiana looks ridiculous, as usually but now even worse. She really looks like a hippy.
    Beatrice, on the other hand looks like Boticcelli's Venus, but she had some better outfits. Her husband is also very beautiful.

  2. Beatrice and Alexandra look good but Tatiana, gosh she looks weird.

  3. O my word ....what is this hair piece of Tatiana

    1. Did she misuse a plaything of her children?

    2. Exactly what I thought, Coralie! Poor husband, I am sure he is discreet and says not what he really thinks!
      Alexandra is a lovely girl, but she needs another colour for that dress. Much to pale.
      Beatrice' dress is not bad, I would have chosen another colour for the belt. All in all, not a "big fashion-show" except Tatiana!!!

  4. Aucune élégance, Tatiana porte une pochette "carnaval", c'est tout à fait çà. Ridicule...très bobo.

    1. Elle est aussi laide que ses vetements

    2. Tatiana is not ugly at all Lizzie. She has her own style which may not be to YOUR taste, but is uniquely hers. I prefer that to cookie cutter outfits that many royals wear, hard to distinguish one from anoter.

  5. Mayaprincess visiting Europe?

    1. Alienprincess visiting earth?

    2. OMG :D .. girs, you are the BEST .... LOL

  6. I think Tatiana's outfit is kind of fun, including the pompom headband. She surely livens up the scene! Her sisters-in-law look charming, but that orange belt on Beatrice is a bit jarring on the sweet flowered dress and Alexandra could use something in accessories to spark up her outfit.

  7. Beatrice and Alexandra: meh -

    1. Lizzie - I agree, Beatrice and Alexandra are "meh" [and I'll add that Tatiana is ridiculous].
      And this poor showing was for "fashion week"? Oh dear...

    2. I have said what I thought about Tatiana - what a weirdo

  8. Que des horreurs, comment peut-on s'habiller ainsi. L'original tue l'original et je ne parle pas du truc dans les cheveux de Tatiana.
    Tout est laid !

  9. I've just read in Hola magazine that Tatiana's headband can be bought in her website (Munzugu Sisters) for........
    480 €!!!!
    Who dares???

    1. 480 euro?? This world is crazy!

    2. Maria, "OMG": I've got such a "crown", handmade from wool by our kindergarten-teacher in the 60ies!!! on the occasion of the "International day of children", 1st of June!!! (As a gift for every child, she worked on those tiaras in her evenings for the class of us 5- year-old's.) I bet Tatiana's "tiara" was made by "loving hands" in Latin-America. Hope the workers are well payed. :)

    3. Maria; oh dear! I think 5 € would be too much.

    4. Hahaaaa Blondiini .....agree!

  10. I've just read in Hola magazine that Tatiana's headband can be bought in her website (Munzugu Sisters) for........
    480 €!!!!
    Who dares???

  11. I think that Tatiana looks nice. That head piece is a Muzungu Sisters' collaboration with another brand and I think it is completely fine because she is promoting her brand, which is based on ethnical clothing and accesories. Additionally, I consider that she is always so loyal to her own style, nowadays that is so hard to find. That night the brand won an award too.

  12. Anonymous2/6/17 22:17

    Muzungu Sisters, Tatiana's brand, did win Monaco Fashion Council Ethical Brand Fashion Award that evening. That said, there are few competitors since very many modern brands use cheap foreign labor and materials that are not ecologically sensitive such as dyes. I don't see the brand as being sustainable. The company pays cash for piecework and issues small contracts. Very few people benefit and their contracts are inadequate to improve infrastructure such as schools and hospitals. The prices of their goods are so high that opportunity for growth is prohibited. In reality it is not likely that being a pom-pom maker or mochila weaver will become a vocation for a sufficient number of people for any duration, lifting only a few families out of poverty. These heiresses are worth millions, travel by helicopter and jet all over the world wearing couture, so I'm not impressed since their lifestyles are unsustainable and elitist and they have significant capacity to do more. Tatiana promotes her brand and those of her friends at public events. At private events she wears very expensive exclusive attire including fur and rare jewels, both of which are ethically questionable. Nevertheless Tatiana does seem to be a more sympathetic and less materialistic socialite than most of her peers.

    1. Unknown, this is quite interesting! And now: how much is the pure profit,- flowing in after all?
      Maybe 500%? And the handwork of the Lady/girl who created it is worth,- let's say: 1,-$?? Or less? When one googles her family, everything is clear. She needs those prices giving to stupid customers who are paying.
      I worked in Fashion-business. There are so much lies...

    2. Anonymous3/6/17 08:14

      Es muy de admirar, pero con otros diseños más aceptables. No me veo comprando eso

    3. So much lies - not only in fashion Business, Rainha ;-)

    4. Coralie, true. But let's not give up hope. - By the way, I am sure, if she would be a "no name", she would not!! get that Fashion Award of Monaco! Fashion is a very tough business, and if you don't start with a lot of money in the background to push up: then forget it! (same for Victoria Beckham, Stella McCartney... as example)-
      O.k., I hope she has fun. (...because this family doesn't laugh or smile a lot on pictures, even the little ones, I'm sorry to say.)

    5. Rainha, as for Tatiana and that award I totally agree!

  13. Really thrre women looks nice. It´s evident Tatiana call attention but her dresses are not bad, just are out of context. Tatiana´s jecket and dress are evidently amerindian in origin, in fact the dress is very similar at dress of "Güajira tribe traditional women dresses" and jacket is a piece of most pure "Indian Pastos, tribe of south of colombia", colors are perfect combined, cut of dress and jacket are perfect,black with contrast and complementary colors. Perhaps, it just only out of tone in her outfit is preciselly that "crown", it has reminiscences of Amazonian tribes chieftans but is not appropiates nor "beauty" at all. Without that "crown" her look even out of ocassion would be perfect. .... Beatrice, well, good and beauty outfit and Alexandra, she looks fresh and something interesting, beauty but, I don´t know..... "At God to God and at Caesar that´s of Caesar". ................. And even my opinion, at all of them lack that touch of magic of Doña Charlotte Casiraghi, that's evident too.

    1. Well hello there Jorge, it appears you're going by a different name.

    2. Our friend is on the portuguese Royals blog....

  14. I like all three - I find Tatiana refreshing in a world of sameness. I even like the strange pompom craft project on her head. Would I wear it? No, but it's just fun. Well done to her for winning the award. Is her business going to build roads and hospitals? No, but if a few poorly paid people get a more equitable wage from it... And if she can find people to spend money on the stuff - go for it.

    Personally, I don't find her ugly - and even if I did I wouldn't blatantly make such an unpleasant comment.

    Beatrice looks good - again faithful to her style.

    Alexandra is interesting to watch as she develops her own ideas about fashion - I quite like the jumpsuit on her.

  15. Oh dear. Nope. Not one of those outfits is even the slightest bit attractive to me. Sometimes those Monaco girls wear the most blah outfits. Well, Tatiana is all the time boho so she is way out there most of the time, but I would expect more from Beatrice.

  16. Personally. In like those three tatiana Looks like a carnival shoe to me
    Beatrice looks good agaim she looks fablouas in any outfit
    Alexandria. To watch fot she develops her fashion sense

  17. Don't like any of these outfits, they look unkempt here I think. Just my opinion

  18. No to all three ladies. They look horrible. Fashion fades but style is eternal, and it's obvious these ladies don't have style.
    They have the means to buy fashion that's all

    1. Chelsea, you are absolutely correct!

  19. Very interesting dresses and fit each one's personality too the T. Well done!

  20. Goes to show, money can't by good taste.

  21. Tatianas Outfit is crazy -Beatrice and Alexandras is okay

  22. Tatianas Outfit ist crazy und für eine schöne Frau zu mixed -irgendwie ein durcheinander : Beatrices Kleid ist bezaubernd -ausser der orange Gürtel : Alexandras Kleid passt zu ihrem Alter ,auch die Farbe !


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