Princess Victoria at SDG meeting in Soneva Fushi resort of Maldives

In the 2016 annual report of Resilience Center of Stockholm University, an article about a meeting on "Sustainable Seafood Production and Better Management of The Oceans" that was held on November 11-13 in Soneva Fushi resort of Maldives and about several dialogues was published. At that meeting, Crown Princess Victoria established dialogue with the strongest actors of the world in seafood sector and received several promises regarding sustainable seafood production and better management of the oceans. The follow-up meeting will be held this year in Stockholm. The Crown Princess is the ambassador of UN Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Crown Princess Victoria attend meeting of Sustainable Seafood Production and Better Management of The Oceans in Soneva Fushi resort of Maldives in holiday
Crown Princess Victoria attend meeting of Sustainable Seafood Production and Better Management of The Oceans in Soneva Fushi resort of Maldives in holiday

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  1. I would like to see both dresses! They appear to be casual yet appropriate for this setting.

  2. Ich stelle mir gerade vor: nicht einfach, in einer solchen Umgebung zu arbeiten. Es war wohl eine Art busman's holiday. Von dem, was ich erkennen kann, trägt die Kronprinzessin zwei hübsche Sommerkleidchen, die auch du und ich tragen könnten und würden, wären wir in einer solch zauberhaften Umgebung. Ich hoffe, Estelle, Oscar und Daniel sind gleich um die Ecke und Victoria konnte die Inselwelt der Malediven mit ihrer Familie genießen!


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