Charlotte Casiraghi attends Louis Vuitton exhibition opening

Charlotte Casiraghi attends opening of exhibition "Art Afrique, Le Nouvel Atelier" at the Louis Vuitton Foundation on April 25, 2017 in Paris, France.
Charlotte Casiraghi,Clotilde Courau and Melita Toscan du Plantier attend "Art Afrique, Le Nouvel Atelier" Exhibition Opening at Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris
Charlotte Casiraghi,Clotilde Courau and Melita Toscan du Plantier attend "Art Afrique, Le Nouvel Atelier" Exhibition Opening at Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris
Charlotte Casiraghi,Clotilde Courau and Melita Toscan du Plantier


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  1. She looks like she was dragged there unwillingly and hadn't completely woken up yet.
    And how drab those ladies look in navy/black compared to the vibrant colours in the paintings.

    1. Shes a natural beauty, she looks good even in a sack!!

  2. I do admit that I don't know much about fashion so I have to ask the experts: Is Charlottes appereance some "bohemian chic" or so? Rich young lady trying to look like an outsider??

    1. I don't see boho here Coralie. I see navy and black. Bland. Not bad. Not good. Just ok but bohemian has color and flair and fun. I see no fun.

  3. Is she ok? I know I'm always making jokes about her duck lips pose. But my god she looks unwell in these photos. Hair unkempt, clothes baggy and ill-fitting. What's going on with her? Is she trying to pull of some kind of "cool girl I don't care" appearance?
    Why does she even go to those type of events if she looks like she doesn't want to be there?

    1. Chelsea I agree wholeheartedly. My first impression was she looks 'sour' like she doesn't want to be there. Then I looked at the overall appearance and thought exactly same as you just unkempt. She really has 'gone off' these past few years. Why does she never smile? Don't say she's shy. I know very shy people and they can still smile!!
      Mimi #1

  4. They're blah, all of them. If Charlotte were an actress, she would be a 'has been'.

  5. Always interesting to see the idle rich having "fun". Why photograph the ill-mannered creature if she can't be bothered cracking a smile or attempt to look engaged? A complete waste of space.

    1. Amen to that.
      I am glad I wasn't a rich young woman because I had plenty to keep me interested in life and the world: four kids, a full-time career, and a good education, plus a husband and a home to maintain. I feel sorry for the idle rich because they miss out on a 'real life.' No wonder she is bored.

  6. Profile:
    Name: Charlotte Casiraghi Grimaldi.
    Father:Stephano Casiraghi.
    Mother: Caroline Grimaldi-Louvet.
    Grandparents: Prince Rainier / Grace Kelly
    Profession: Philosopher.
    Profession: Sportwoman (horse jumper competition)
    Profession: Entrepreneur.
    Profession: Ambassador of great commercial marks.
    Founder: Co-Founder of Ever Manifesto. / Some bussines.
    Founder: Co-Fouder of Monaco Philosophy dialogues.
    Founder: Founder of Monaco Horse Competition.
    Rank: No any aristocratic rank because Salic Law heired by Monaco from France. Her mother Caroline can not transmit noble condition.
    Monaco position: She is just niece of a chief of State and has a place in line at Monaco crown ( litte possibilities happen that).
    Noble ascendants: Auvergne, Polignac, Mariño de Lobeira, Glymes, Goyon, Carolingians, Syagryus, Aragon, Tolouse-Gascogne, Balthes, Amales, La Tour, Salligny, Sobiesky, Aspidar, Grimaldi, Spinola-Aragon, Qurasy.
    Personality: A intuitive person, generous and tender, intelligent, educated, cultivated, discrete, femenine, delicacy, with a clear high leavel of emotinal intelligence.
    C.I.: form 115 to 140, also it´s possible more in certain aspects; consecuently she is at orient of "Klank bell".
    Hobbies: Literature, poetry, art, horses, selected music, others.
    Race: Caucasian.
    Religion: Catholic even how free thinker she is also part of all religions by respect.
    Featured Ancestors: Don Antonio Mariño d´Andrade, first Marquiss of Mariño, Marshall of Champ and governor of Flanders. / Don Fernando Pérez de Traba, Count of Trastamara, Prince Gallorum Gens. / Abderraman, Calipha of Cordoba. / Leovigildus, King of Spain. / Pepin of Heristal, Duke of Austrasia. / Jean Sobiesky, King of Polony and Great Duke of Lituania. / Warim, Duke of Provance. / Sancho, Duke of Gascogne. / Armando Spinola / Armand de Polignac, Duke of Polignac. / Doña Juana Enriquez de Castro (Trastamara). / Doña Juana de Hungria. / Don Hermenegildo Guterres The Great, Duke of Portugal, Count of Coimbra.;postID=7401820084688932052;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=5;src=postname

    Noble titles: None
    Inheritance to noble titles: None.
    Actual rank: Plebeya.
    Psicological profile: It´s a normal person in a very complicated world, who try to be a simple and normal modern woman.

    In my opinion, she is a beauty lady.

    1. Jorge Reinaldo: Yes she is! And smart! And unadjusted! And chic! And well behaved! A free spirit. I find her most endearing.

    2. This is all true and some assumption on her personality. No doubt she is a beauty and has a lineage. But that doesn't make her nicely dressed or interested. No one questions her status or brains. It is her always looking bored.

      Fashion blog. We are not looking at her IQ, education, bloodline, charities, etc because we know she is all of these things. But a smile now and then would be nice ~

    3. What?! Jorge I really don't understand your comment. Every time there's a post about Charlotte you come on here and make these super long rambling comments that makes no sense.

    4. Not sure Charlotte has a profession as a 'Philosopher'? What? Aristotle was a philosopher not Charlotte Casiraghi. In fact alot of this post is over the top. Somewhat the personal views of someone enamored w her? Psychological profile? How does this fit? 🙄

    5. 1. What has any of this got to do with her appearance?
      2. Grimaldi-Louvet? No, just Grimaldi.

    6. Oh dear! Pedigree may mean all to some, however, without the requisite social graces, who cares? Overindulged and overpraised for her beauty.

    7. Is this for real? Good manners prevent further comment.

    8. She is Co-founder of Monaco Philosophy dialogues? What is this? Some kind of community or what? Why don't ve ever hear a thing what she did in this "firm", what are her engagments and actions? It sounds interesting but I'm afraid it's only big blank space.

    9. You have to study at least four years at a college or university to obtain a Master of Arts in Philosophy, or is this different for royalty related people?

    10. Lisa Wilson, I couldn't agree more. It's 2017, who really cares about "pedigree" anymore. It doesn't matter who your parents, grandparents or ancestors are.
      Good manners and social skills is something that no matter how rich or poor you are, you should know.

      For all of Charlotte's "pedigree" she appears to have terrible manners, could give a damn about her appearance, and looks beyond stuck up. Maybe it's her family's lineage that makes her like that. She's giving off a "I'm better than you are" vibe.

    11. What interesting are all of your comments, they leave to see so much about you. I see one human being, and you?

    12. Totally agree with above comments. This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with their lineage degrees etc blah blah blah!! What are these jobs she has?? I've never seen or heard of anything she has contributed in any of those areas. Maybe they are 'honorary' positions appointed to her to make it look like she has interesting positions. To me all she ever seems to do is attend front row seats at fashion events and social commitments.
      Mimi #1

    13. Sr. Ruiz Marino, ask her for her hand! She needs a loving husband :)

    14. Rainha, ha ha ha! Thank you for that!

    15. You are very welcome. (She seems to have always the wrong friends, you know.)

    16. No, I don´t know but yes it would be a honor to be loving life husband of Charlotte. It´s my opinion. About rest I don´t know. In any case I excuse by my comments if they offense any of you. My post just are real based in real facts and even I don´t know so much about fashion, I can say she has good taste in many aspects, like designer, historian, painter and writer I despreciate never any aspect of culture; also, taking into consideration fashion is just a point of view which changes along times. That is correct today can´t be correct tomorrow and also could has been correct in the past. Again thank you for your comment even this had been a little sarcastic. To be Charlotte´s Casiraghi husband would be an honor in my opinion, sharing a life´s lgiht in all aspect with a woman like her could be so exciting and interesting.

    17. Hola,Jorge! I will tell you a secret. Through my husband I have a very long genealogy too (documented till 1150)- as well a distant relation to very high houses in Europe.
      I received a good education and experienced a live like a movie-story behind the "Iron curtain" and around Europe. ...Met a lot of people too and learned to see through the eyes and into hearts. Forget Charlotte. But we all love that you love Fashion too!!

    18. Bon nuit leonor, I just have read your comment. Thank you by secret. Why reason I must forget Charlotte? Of course, supossing I´m enamore of this wonderful lady. Which logic reason could you give me for forgetting Charlotte? Is she a married woman? that could be if she were a simple actress interpreting a roll called Charlotte Casiraghi. Perhaps, her family can do me hurt! In that aspect I have no afraid of them. Afraid of Caroline? no, I feel pain by her. Stephanie? of course, she could do me so much hurt but I´ve nothing more she could hurt me. Albert? It would be possible but same case of Albert. Andrea, Piere, Pauline, or the others? uhm!!!! Maybe Charlotte? Do you think Charlotte really can do hurt me? In the case I were enamored of Charlotte, that you ask me for would be impossible, because she would me in my heart, in my soul and if she could me damage, I would love her yet. .... Perhaps, the Monaco circus and all of its "participants" were here and they have done that.....Well, what could I lost on that moments. ... That if Grimaldi family were evil. ..... So what logic reason could you give me for, in case I were enamored of Charlotte? ............... Yes, I like fashion in some sense, for that It is clear to me, fashion is just a point of view. ............. Thank you by your advise, I know it is sincere.

  7. Bad posture, mouth open as always. Clothes nothing to praise although not her worst. She looks so bored.

  8. Avec sa vie si facile ,Charlotte pourrait au moins sourire .

  9. Glad to see she took the time to dress and brush her hair.

    Seriously? Why do they even ask her to do anything? She is always sloppy. As if she woke up grabbed what was easily reached on floor. Hopefully she washed her face and brushed her teeth.

    It seems apparent that she is less than interested in just about every event she attends. Stop asking her! Such a shame as she is a beauty. But I suspect she may be rather an entitled NON -Princess.

    We have THE Princess wearing thug clothes and the NON Princess not really present at all. Unless standing w one's mouth agap is the 'style'.

    Grace would be appalled ....

    1. I am not so sure about that: Grace was a free spirit herself, but the rules of the 50ies, Hollywood & 'the protocol' were against her.

    2. And Caroline was a free spirit and Grace was not happy LOL

      I am a free spirit. Nothing wrong with that CatchTheScoop. That is a non issue at least to me. My issue w Charlotte is she always looks like she bored out of her mind and sloppy. Bohemian doesn't mean sloppy or wrinkled. While she is not carrying a royal title she does represent the family to some degree. I just want her to at least act like the event matters. She can be a wild child all she wants but if you attach your name to something then show up looking like it matters....because it does to those putting on the show or the artist. Imagine if you were an artis and how grand to have Charlotte show up and she walks around looking smug. Bored.

      If you show up then put up! It can make or break someones business JMHO

    3. Grace is probably turning over in her grave, with the exception of Charlene (on a good fashion day) the rest of the Monaco royals aren't interesting at all. They always look so miserable.

    4. Chelsea, true!! Maybe Grace Kelly would have told her granddaughter a few words on this and other occasions lately. Grace showed always "grace" and dignity in great sophisticated style. If Charlotte is not interested to give away her photo to the media (and real paparazzi is a different thing of course), she should just leave the place or say so... I find it respectless to pose in such a bored, unkempt way, with expensive clothes hanging from her bad posture and so on. A long heritage (she is no Princess!), education,good schools, university, money, horses, nanny's, sailing trough the summer and freedom to do whatever she wishes are no reason to demonstrate such a arrogance. Since she crossed her 30ies, she changed very much. Wasted beauty.
      Out of line for me, in Fashion a n d behaviour...

    5. Rainha Leonor Couldn't agree more. It doesn't matter what position you hold in life. All the money education and status in the world cannot make up for a lack of manners. You either have them or you do not! Charlotte at the moment clearly does not. She comes across as a spoilt overindulge person who thinks she can act in an arrogant fashion and we all should bow to her. IMHO I think she is bored to tears with her whole life. Truly what on earth does she do for a living!!! If you were just a normal person representing your company and acted like this I'm guessing you wouldn't keep your position for very long.

  10. On vient de la photographier à dem-nue alors qu'elle prenait des vacances privées,je pense qu'elle en a marre d'être pursuivie dans les moments les plus intimes de sa vie.

    1. Fardoche, c'est possible, mais pas de raison...

  11. She looks a bit unkempt and scruffy and, as ever, her posture is appalling. I don't love the suit.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. With her looking so annoyed (annoying), it´s pointless to discuss any fashion matters since she clearly doesn´t care.

    1. Heard that! I want to bring her a teaspoon of good See you on Maxima and Letizia's next post(=

    2. Vanessa, that's the point! I "love" the elastic around her thumb, very "stylish"...

  14. For a young woman with access to the world's most talented designers, not to mention hair stylists, Charlotte frequently looks as if she just rolled out of bed. There is nothing becoming or trendy about unkempt hair, poor posture and that ridiculous "nose in the air" pose that she continually does. It is a shame to see such an attractive person looking so messy.


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