Princess Sofia visited at Nobel Forum at Karolinska Institute

On December 6, 2016, Princess Sofia of Sweden attend the awards ceremony of the Healthcare Leadership Academy's (SjukvΓ₯rdens Ledarskapsakademi) Leadership Day 2016 at the Karolinska Institute in Solna, Stockholm, Sweden.
Princess Sofia wore By Malene Birger dress, Red Valentino dress, Stinaaj Stina black suede shoes, Pumps
Princess Sofia wore By Malene Birger dress, Red Valentino dress, Stinaaj Stina black suede shoes, Pumps
Princess Sofia wore By Malene Birger dress, Red Valentino dress, Stinaaj Stina black suede shoes, Pumps
Princess Sofia wore By Malene Birger dress, Red Valentino dress, Stinaaj Stina black suede shoes, Pumps
Princess Sofia wore By Malene Birger dress, Red Valentino dress, Stinaaj Stina black suede shoes, Pumps
Princess Sofia wore By Malene Birger dress, Red Valentino dress, Stinaaj Stina black suede shoes, Pumps
Princess Sofia wore Red Valentino Lace Collar Dress
Red Valentino Lace Collar Dress
Princess Sofia wore YVES SAINT LAURENT Paris pumps

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  1. What is it thsee days with 30 and 40-something women wearing little girls' dresses?

  2. Little girl look πŸ‘Ž

  3. I was thinking nun or maid. Not a flattering look in any case.

  4. She looks like a school girl.

  5. For a moment, I thought Princess Sofia was pregnant again.

  6. How embarrassing for the people there! Is the idea for them to feel proud over her presence OR WHAT.... She has no education, has never worked in her whole life. Is she a role model for all who has studies in so many years.....

    1. The 'royals' have to do something to justify their existence

    2. Look at the way how she smile and interacts with the women, there is a lot of warmth. And by the way: everything she has achieved, she as achieved by herself. She was born an average swedish girl.

    3. I agree. She has "achieved" very little on her own, except for marrying a prince which was part of her plan. Her formal education leaves a lot to be desired, but then she "learned" as a n de model, reality show.

    4. I don't know if marrying a prince was part of her plan. If so, she was successful. Congratulations then!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Even her birthday was on this day?

  9. I find this dress charming. I like the black and white for this colder season (as well as the lacy detail on the collar and cuffs) and the black tights mitigate the shortness.

  10. She's sweet and adorable. Most of today's queens and princesses are not royal born: Letizia, Maxima, Mary, etc etc. Such jealousy!

    1. When people dont agree with you it's jealously? People have different tastes it's normal to have different opinions. That other princesses and queens also wore clothes before that people said they dislike. It's normal not to like everything. No need to call people jealously because she's a princess. Not every woman wants to be a princess.

    2. So right !
      I always wanted to be a Queen.

    3. But Kristina you are .... πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ΈπŸ‘‘

    4. Oh, you made me laugh.

    5. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‹πŸ˜†πŸ˜›πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚πŸ‘‘

  11. I dislike this combination of sunday school uniform and modest pigtail on the top part, but miniskirt, black tights and heels on the lower part.


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