Prince William, Duchess Catherine, George and Charlotte attended Christmas Day service

Prince William, Duchess Catherine, Prince George and Princess Charlotte of Cambridge attended the service at St Mark's Church on Christmas Day on December 25, 2016 in Bucklebury, Berkshire. The Duchess wore Hobbs Celeste coat.
Kate Middleton wore Tod's Fringed Leather Pumps, wore Hobbs Celeste coat. Prince George and Princess Charlotte
Kate Middleton wore Tod's Fringed Leather Pumps, wore Hobbs Celeste coat. Prince George and Princess Charlotte
Kate Middleton wore Tod's Fringed Leather Pumps, wore Hobbs Celeste coat. Prince George and Princess Charlotte
ASOS Faux Fur Mini Slot Through Collar, PEPA and CO Classic wool coat,  Hobbs Celeste Coat
ASOS Faux Fur Mini Slot Through Collar, PEPA and CO Classic wool coat,  Hobbs Celeste Coat
ASOS Faux Fur Mini Slot Through Collar, PEPA and CO Classic wool coat,  Hobbs Celeste Coat
Kate Middleton ASOS Faux Fur Mini Slot Through Collar
ASOS Faux Fur Mini Slot Through Collar
Kate Middleton wore Hobbs Celeste coatKate Middleton wore Tod's Fringed Leather Pumps
                                  Hobbs Celeste Coat                                Tod's Fringed Leather Pumps
Prince George wore PEPA and CO Classic wool coat
PEPA & CO Classic Wool Coat


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  1. Charlotte looks very much like The Queen and Sarah Chatto. Prince George is cute and growing fast. Middletons must have been spending Christmas in Anmer Hall, nice to kids.

    Would have been nice to see other members of Royal family too.

    Hope The Queen and Prince Philip get better soon.

    1. i agree about Charlotte looking like the Queen and Lady Sarah. The Cambridges spent Christmas with the Middletons. There are photos of the Royal family attending church at Sandringham. Prince
      Phillip attended but the Queen did not. Sad that she is unwell and also hope she is better soon,

  2. Catherine proofs "Diez Minutos" right. She is a style-queen!

    1. Can't agree more with you!! Duchess of Cambridge looks chic and stylish. Beautiful family photos. Great stuff!!!

    2. her eyes always managed to look so puffed up for some reason for a start..

  3. Kate is a jewel of GB royal family.

  4. Does Prince George always has to weare kneestockings?

    1. This is typical dress of the aristocracy. Generally they stay in the shorts with stockings until they are 8 or 9. Even today many private schools require this dress. No only in GB but even in the US. When I lived in Italy yrs back all boys dressed like this until the were 10 or so then the code changed.
      I like that Kate is following tradition. William and Harry and their cousin Peter wore the same.

    2. Traditionally in Europe little boys didn't wear long pants until they were 10 or so. They are just following the old tradition .

    3. I do love tradition and for me it is very cute how Prince George is dressed. World wide people have the tendency to forget or to feel ashamed of tradition. Tradition is part of a family's heritage and should be cherished. Only my opinion!!

    4. Je préfère cette tradition à un courant que l'on voit parfois, affubler de jeunes garçons de mini complet-cravate. Particulièrement lors de mariage, il n'est pas rare de voir cela.

    5. I agree that it is good to keep the tradition. We discussed the question on what function monarchy can have in the year 2017. I have learned from my collegues in marketing that nowadays everything, be it a software-product, a consumergood, or a sportsman, politician or royal, needs to be a "brand". Public must recognize easily what he/she/it stands for. If monarchy wants to give orientation, it is necessary to stick to tradition - while nevertheless modernize carefully. That's why I love to see Swedens Victoria in traditional clothing, for example. A modern young woman - in a long line of ancestors.

  5. Well, this is one way to get the Duchess to stop clutching her purse in front her - put a toddler in her arms. She should hold Charlotte more often! That part aside, every one looks very smartly dressed. No complaints in the style dept from me.

    1. 'Hahaha'funny comment :-)), indeed a toodler on her arm is such a change to clutching the clutch. Makes her look so 'natural'.

    2. Apparently holding your clutch like that is royal 101. Most of them do it. To hold the clutch under the arm is considered rude. Plus awkward looking. This keeps your hands from fidgeting.

      Just sharing what I have read.

    3. Thank you for the information, Diane. Royal 101? I thought nowadays everything is 4.0, like industry 4.0 and so on!

    4. LOL Coralie :) I am old. 😜😜😜

    5. But in your heart you are young, Diane!

    6. That's interesting Diane. I remember back in Princess Diana's day she was instructed to do the opposite; she was told to stick it under arm by her Vogue stylist (and to also avoid shoulder bags) in order not to break up the lines and styling of the outfit *and* to appear more open and approachable. It leaves your hands free to shake hands and greet people. Funny how times change I suppose ... and I have to say I don't see very many other royal ladies doing it. Maybe because Kate "clutches the clutch" so severely it stands out more.

    7. @ unknown yes Diana carried it under arm. That always looked odd to me. I find carrying a purse under my arm strange. I usually drop it when I try to hug or shake hands. I do think this is a BRF way of holding a clutch. She does seem to hold it as if her life depended on it LOL not sure why she even needs one frankly. But I have read it is to keep hands steady and also makes it easier to walk in heels. It balances a person. Which I can kind of see.

      I think rules change with the times. I recall that it was considered good etiquette to let your little finger stick out when drinking a cup of tea 20 -30 yrs ago. Now it is a faux pas. One must never allow the finger to stick out. It must be tucked in with the others. Apparently there are rules for how to hold a tea cup versua a coffee cup ~ it is the same cup style but you hold them differently. Why? Does it matter ? Is this so ppl know what you arw drinking? Seems silly since those "ppl" are the ones that are serving you Lol.

      I vote for red solo cups
      Just kidding 😂😂😂😜😜

    8. @ Diane. LOL.

      I have to say I always enjoy your entries here. I know it's a fashion blog but we all get off subject sometimes (for better or worse, lol), usually nothing malicious intended by the majority if us, but you always seem to be very level-headed and sensible about things ***and*** polite. :-) I really respect that and just wanted to let you know. :-) Good sense of humor too!

  6. George's coat, a 'unisex' one if it can be called that, is buttoned one way going into church, the reverse when coming out.

    1. Good catch! I'm trying to get my head around where the buttonholes are for the reverse version.

    2. Buttonholes for the revere side are underneath. It's sort of like you flip from one side to the other.

  7. I like the Duchess's shoes. I've always felt a wider heel is more sophisticated. When I wore heels I also felt a wider heel was more comfortable. Also the Duchess's coat is excellent but the fur(ish) collar is too much with the delicate leather trim. If it was my coat I'd have the collar remade in leather or velvet if the fur is not removable. Then I'd add a chic pin.

    I wish she would wear her hair shorter. All this hair look heavy & not well-groomed. It's rarely sleek and shining so it's not very attractive to have so much of it hanging (and blowing) around.

    1. I agree with the shoes. Looks much better than the ever same pointed stiletto heels. And I agree with the hair, it is too long, too heavy, too much.

      But in the whole Catherine looks great. Nice family pictures too. I like the idea that they spent Christmas with her famiy. I think it is good for William and for the kids to eonjoy normal family life.

    2. Catherine has beautiful hair. Why wear it shorter?

    3. beautiful hair nope!! her hair is too thin she puts on too much extensions, thats why her head looks huge than her body!!!

    4. Why do you think she has extensions?

    5. No extensions. She has a lot of hair. Always has had volume.

    6. Anonymous2/1/17 12:25

      yep Diane, her hair grows overnight, we have seen her during her university and dating years her hair is very thin!!

    7. No it was not lindsay. Do shut up. We ALL know you dislike this family with a zeal that borders on being rather odd dear. Why do you even comment? Just ignore the post.

      I hope you find some nice in yourself in 2017. Dig deep. I am sure it is there somewhere. Bless your heart 😏

    8. Anonymous3/1/17 16:55

      Post by Diane Brown Jan 2 above should be removed. It is very very rude and not directed as criticism of a public person but to another commenter.

    9. Not rude Unknown but a truth. I did not say anything that others have not said many times here. In fact it us very lame considering some of the things lindsay has said to many of us.

      Stay in your lane.

  8. Catherine looked lovely in this color with chic matching fur collar on her coat. Hair is healthy and very nice. Good for her to have long hair and take care of it. Charlotte and George were very cute in their traditional dress. The whole family looked very classy and stylish.

  9. All four of them are very stylish and beautiful - and Kate looks much more released in her hometown with her own family.

  10. I agree they looked classy and I also like the addition of the fur collar.
    I'm indecisive on the hair topic: sometimes I really like her hair just like that, long and loose but other times I totally get what others mean by saying it's mop hair. Kate has gorgeous hair, healthy, long, shiny and a lot of it but I guess she has just as much issues with it as we all do.

  11. I just love little George. He has a stoic, soldiering on, doing my duty, look on his face! Adorable.

  12. Yep the BRF is not interesting since diiana era. Kate is too plain!! No spark!!


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