Princess Sofia met with Sophiahemmets research director

Today, Princess Sofia of Sweden met with Pernilla Hilleras, research director of Sophiahemmets University at Stockholm Royal Palace. Princess Sofia is the honorary president of Sophiahemmets non-profit organization.
Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden met with Pernilla Hilleras, research director of Sophiahemmets University at Stockholm Royal Palace. Sofia Hellqvist Style
Princess Sofia wore HUNKYDORY Wenlock Blouse - Princess Sofia Style
HUNKYDORY Wenlock Blouse

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  1. Princess Sofia is a very charming and active young woman.I don't care about her past.

    1. Anonymous29/1/16 20:07

      Agree, her past isn't that bad either, everyone was young once.

  2. Anonymous29/1/16 15:13

    She does a lot engangments lately i like that...she shos that she loves to work and comunicate with people...good for her...she looks so great btw!!Beautiful!!How months is she?

    1. Anonymous29/1/16 16:42

      What else should she do? Do nothing and only getting all the benefits that come with her "job"?

    2. Anonymous29/1/16 18:13

      Of course that's what she should do and she does it beautifully. Just in case you don't know there are few royals Who don't work as hard as she does. Kate, Mette Marit, Marie etc...

    3. Well, she is doing what is expected of her and I think that ano 5.13 is just appreciating that. She looks lovely in this picture, I really like her hairdo.

    4. Anonymous29/1/16 21:24

      LOL 8:13 do you really think Sofia has just as much office work as the CP??? There work is not just what you see on this blog, far from it. And suprise suprise I know since I checked a few times Mette- Marit do just as much as Mary, but still she's lazy. In 2014 she even did more official dutys, but still she was lazy and Mary a hard worker. Frederik is lazy and still he does just as much official dutys as his wife and have a lot of dutys and office work in the palace. Stop thinking blogs like this tell the truth. When Kate has older children she will work more. And by the way she is not even a princess and her husband only second in line. Her workload will increase as the years go by. Madeleine haven't worked for several years because she has small children and are excused in all the comments that she is on maternity leave. Well so will Sofia and Victoria be for a year and how old is Charlotte ;)

    5. Anonymous29/1/16 21:28

      i know that's her job...but there are many royals that doing nothing! Like kate....she does 5 engengments the year and that's it!

    6. Anonymous29/1/16 22:19

      AnonymousJanuary 29, 2016 at 11:24 PM
      You do not include that Mary has small children MM youngest child is as old as Mary's eldest so this needs to taken into also.
      It is only some trying to make a big deal, each royal family is different so cannot compare work with each, some have smaller children some countries have bigger populations and therefore require more and then some royal fans have their and take any chance to try to put others down. Sofia is doing a good job that need only be the discussion on this page.

    7. Anonymous29/1/16 23:03

      Anon 11.28 that it absolutely NOT TRUE. Catherine did 62 in 2015 which was less than 2014 due to pregnancy and no royal tour. She also did much behind the scenes work that is not always noted by the media.

      Before you make such statements about any of the Royals you should do your homework.

  3. Anonymous29/1/16 16:06

    Beautiful Princess!

  4. Anonymous29/1/16 22:39

    anon 11:24 PM
    Many times you keep repeating the same you count the number of events of Mette-Marit, how many more times do you tell? I see to be negative to Princess Mary. You can keep checking but we do no need to be told every other day. Princess Sofia she working much and I like her perhaps my favourite princes.

    1. Anonymous30/1/16 09:21

      As long as the same lies are beeing told as a point to show how much more other royal work,I will repeat it. And who better to compare with then a CP that has just the same role(married to a future king). Just as we would compare Frederik, Victoria and Haakon. Have nothing against Mary,love her, but why are always the comments that she is a hard worker and MM lazy when they do just as much??Tell me if you can.

    2. Anonymous30/1/16 11:22

      Comparing never works everything need to be taken in to account, although they have a similar role the, in 2014 Mary had 2 three year olds a 6 year old just starting school and an 8 year the same age as Sverre Magnu. Young children should be taken into account as you yourself do with Kate and I agree, you cannot have a rule for one and not the other. I am not the anon that replied prev and I cannot tell you why some say MM is lazy they must see this as so. however if this is the only lie that she has repeated about her she would be the luckiest royal around and not really something to get stressed out about that would need to have numbers counted.

  5. Seriously? I can't believe how some of you waste so much time comparing the hours some royals work.

    1. Anonymous30/1/16 11:44

      Kteach, I agree. Too much time wasted on negativity.
      I think she looks beautiful.

  6. Anonymous30/1/16 01:36

    She looks really nice on this photo and the hairdo that suits her face very well.
    Happiness shows in her eyes.

    1. Anonymous30/1/16 03:43

      Yours and Kteach are the only sensible and lovely comments here. Everyone else doing the comparisons rather than focusing on this beautiful woman actually working, are silly.

    2. Anonymous30/1/16 19:47

      Working? I'd like to get this kind of work ;-) As she's already used to posing to the cameras, then this work must be like heaven for her.
      I hope that the picture was taken at the beginning, btw, she's holding a pen but there's nothing written on the paper in front of her...
      But yes, she certainly has money now and looks good in her role.

    3. What a snide, spiteful comment Anon Jan 30 9:47pm.
      You have no idea what her work actually entails - how do you know that Sofia finds it easy? and even assuming that she may actually enjoy her work (as quite a few royals seem to do), since when is loving one’s work a crime? this accusation is bizarre. And If we knew that she didn’t love her work, then that would be evidence to you of her unsuitability, wouldn’t it? for you Sofia is always doing it even nitpick about what she is doing with her hands for the photo. Her pose looks professional to me. What is wrong with looking professional? would you rather that she posed nervously and awkwardly with closed fists like the woman next to her?
      You like to believe that that you know Sofia’s feelings, and what her life is like - but you flatter yourself. Reality check: you know next to nothing about these things. None of us do. Stick to known facts next time you comment.

    4. Anonymous31/1/16 10:39

      @A24-45, some of the work she does these days would require academic training from common people before they could even apply for the position/job. When Princess Sofia graduate from university? How well informed she is about e.g. medical researches?
      And how can YOU tell what her work entails, that she loves her work, how can you know her feelings? Unless you ARE Sofia who speaks for herself here?
      Sorry but for me it looks like she does know how to POSE and LOOK like professional but otherwise she lacks deeper knowledge.
      BTW: I've always believed that everyone here can express their own feelings but its clear that if you say something even mildly negative about Sofia you are snide and spiteful. Weird.
      Please continue your little "Sofia Fan-Club" then. Without me.

    5. Anonymous31/1/16 15:46

      @ Helen AnonymousJanuary 31, 2016 at 12:39 PM
      I'm completely, compleeeeeeeeetly with you!!!

    6. Anonymous31/1/16 18:06

      Anonymous January 31. I agree with you both. She is an Honorary Chairperson which means she has no duties, no responsibilities. This meeting is just fluff to get SH into the press. She is posing. That is all she knows how to do.

    7. Anonymous1/2/16 07:13

      To: A24-45: You actually hit it right:
      Sofia is posing for the sake of a pose (so that she would look professional)....sadly its purely a focus on looking the part instead of BEING the part.
      And agree with Helen - common people won't get this kind of positions without good education and reference. So giving her this kind of positions and posting photos from the meetings - sorry, but its just fluff to get her into the good press and to show that she works (and earn her upkeeping).
      And I am not being snide and spiteful when I tell things like they are!
      BTW: You can take me off from the "Sofia Fan-Club" list too ;-)

  7. Anonymous30/1/16 03:04

    Sophiahemmets was originally headed by Princess Christina, King Carl Gustaf's sister since 1972. This post is appointed by the king. There was no announcement that Christina was resigning or wanted to step down. If the king took this position away from Christina and gave it to Sofia to make Sofia look legitimate it's just wrong.

    1. Anonymous30/1/16 11:47

      I'm sorry, but you don't know that as a fact so it seems pretty useless to make such a statement.
      It is a great idea to focus on the royals or individuals that make you happy and not on ones that cause you to be so negative.

  8. Anonymous30/1/16 08:37

    Bitte, wir haben alle verschiedene Sympathien. Aber wir haben auch nur einen winzig kleinen Einblick in das Leben dieser Frauen, um uns solche Urteile zu erlauben.

  9. This picture is about Prnicess Sophia, not about how muc h work every royals do!!!!!!


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