Queen Letizia attends the 'Luis Carandell' Award Ceremony

Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado on October 6, 2015 in Madrid, Spain.
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia of Spain attends the 'Luis Carandell' Journalism Award Ceremony at the Palacio del Senado
Queen Letizia Style NINA RICCI Arc Clutch Queen Letizia Style MAGRIT Balack Leather Pumps
                           NINA RICCI Arc Clutch                                 MAGRIT Balack Leather Pumps
Queen Letizia Style FELIPE VARELA Raw Wool Dress and Coat
FELIPE VARELA Coat and Raw Wool Dress


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  1. The best queen

  2. Anonymous6/10/15 15:55

    waaay too short skirt for a queen!

  3. Anonymous6/10/15 16:05

    I love her ensemble! So chic! Some might say it's too short but I think it looks fine given that she is wearing pantyhose. Love!

  4. Anonymous6/10/15 16:08

    Pues nada otra vez le ha dado por los taconazos y la falda muy muy corta. Qué vulgar para una reina! ( y eso que el vestido y abrigos está muy bien confeccionados, y el peinado y maquillaje están francamente bien , pero todo lo estropea queriendo lucir piernas!)

  5. Fantastisch!!!

  6. Anonymous6/10/15 16:32

    Wow! Waay too short dress. But her hair is beautiful.

  7. Anonymous6/10/15 16:35

    the dress is beautiful but too short and wondering why she is not wearing the coat as it should be with her arms inside. It looks "FUNNY"

  8. Anonymous6/10/15 16:57

    Beautiful and sexy. But the dress is too short. Does not fit for a queen. Plus most of the attendees are men.weird choice for such en event.

  9. Anonymous6/10/15 17:11

    She looks stunning! Love the dress!

  10. Anonymous6/10/15 17:37

    Trés Trés chic est une femme avec un style unique et irrempaçable.

  11. Elle a l'air magnifique, belle et heureuse parmi ses anciens collègues.

    1. May I ask why is your comment in French since you speak English and Spanish? Isn't the aim of an international blog for everyone to understand each other?

    2. Anonymous6/10/15 21:22

      Google translate is for you too! Not only for french people!

    3. Anonymous7/10/15 09:53

      Actually I do agree with Lassie, is this an international place where we share opinions and comments ? Yes. So much better to use english language to let everybody understand each other .
      Just saying ....

    4. Thank you, Anonymus, for your kind reply.

    5. Anonymous7/10/15 17:41

      Pourquoi tout simplement ne pas laisser les gens s'exprimer librement. Par exemple, je ne comprends pas l'Espagnol, est-ce une raison pour demander aux personnes qui écrivent dans cette langue de le faire en anglais? Un peu de souplesse svp. Nous sommes ici pour partager des opinions sur un sujet qui nous intéresse. Le monde s'obstine tellement pour des choses futiles, soyons tolérants.

      Why not just let people speak freely. For example, I do not understand Spanish , is a reason to ask people who write in that language to do it in English? Some flexibility please . We are here to share opinions on a topic of interest. The world persists so for trivial things , let us be tolerant.

    6. Effectivement Angie elle semble très heureuse parmis ses anciens collègies.
      Par contre je trouve sa robe assez courte pour une reine.

    7. Anoymus, I don't see the point of you comment. Don't you want everyone to understand you? If you speak both English and French, why wouldn't you choose English so everyone understands? I speak Croatian but I'm sure the majority doesn't.

  12. Anonymous6/10/15 17:48

    She is clearly enjoying today's outing. A little short, but great legs.Two thumbs up your Majesty.

  13. Anonymous6/10/15 18:07

    Wow. Great outfit. But the dress is too short for a queen. The hairdo is great.

    1. Anonymous6/10/15 20:53

      Yes Great but for a Qeen ?

    2. Anonymous6/10/15 20:55

      Yes Great but for a Qeen ?

  14. Anonymous6/10/15 18:46

    How vulgar she is and will always be!!and above that she's trying to copy Maxima by wearing her coat this silly way...why doesn't she wear her mini dresses&skirts on her private outings to the bars&concerts with her friends?

  15. Anonymous6/10/15 19:20

    This is how a modern queen should look like?Really?Is she losing her mind?Where is her husband?He doesn't have a say about what's appropriate & what's not?

  16. This dress is beautiful but surely too short. White suits her well and I like the pockets on the dress. She is a journalist therefore it is nice she attended this event.

  17. Anonymous6/10/15 19:27

    Spanish people deserves better...

  18. Anonymous6/10/15 19:34

    il n'est pas permis Ă  tout le monde de porter une robe courte, mais Letizia a la morphologie pour cela
    idem pour Kate
    bon choix de collants,
    une tenue choisie avec chic et classe

    1. Anonymous6/10/15 21:23

      Vous avez raison, elle peut se le permettre mais pour moi, elle est un tantinet trop courte. Pour le reste, tout est parfait. Elle est resplendissante.

  19. Anonymous6/10/15 20:46

    muy actual, moderna y chic pero para su papel debe saber que prima el protocolo y la sobriedad, es una reina no ? bueno pues va como una It Girl o una modelo con anos pasados, muy pendiente de las camaras y las poses no me gusta para nada

  20. Anonymous6/10/15 20:59

    For a Qeen with 42 years old ?

  21. Anonymous6/10/15 21:42

    Una auténtica IT GIRL coronada !!! Más de vedette de Hollywood que de reina.

    1. Anonymous7/10/15 09:51

      You couldn't say it better ! Totally agree .
      I am so sorry for spanish people to have this woman as representative of the country .
      She thinks to be on a catwalk instead of doing her job respecting protocol and the image of the reigning house .

    2. I'm Spanish and I'm perfectly happy with the way Queen Letizia represents my country, who is also hers, so don't feel sorry for the spanish people on the account of the Queen's way of dressing. And by the way, Mr Luis Carandell, the great parliamentary chronicler in whose honour the award is named, would have been delighted with the Queen's intelligence and grace.

    3. Anonymous7/10/15 23:46

      Cómo sabe usted que Luís Carandell estaría encantado con esta reina? Acaso habla usted con los muertos? Es usted medium??? En el afán de hacer la pelota a Letizia, se lee cada cosa!!! Que Letizia sea inteligente, no seré yo quien lo ponga en duda, pero que tiene gracia???? Qué gracia???? Venga yaaa!!!!

    4. Anonymous8/10/15 15:06

      I'm not happy with Letizia,( and I'm spanish too). I was happier with Queen SofĂ­a

  22. With those legs, I would wear a short dress like that. Queen or not - it suits her and she is STUNNING. Wauw!

    1. Anonymous7/10/15 13:59

      Please don't confuse a Queen with a celebrity. Queens must know their place whereas celebrities can be flamboyant as much as they want.

  23. Anonymous7/10/15 17:59

    She is taken seriously by people who are involved in her charities. There is at least a 30 year difference in the age of the 'old' consort and the new consort. Obviously there would be a change in style. Dowdy dressing just will not do. 'A modern woman for siglo XXI'...said her novio..at the time.

  24. Anonymous7/10/15 19:29

    Elle porte une robe très courte ou une tunique sans leggings

  25. Anonymous7/10/15 19:38

    The tiny dress looks unaproppriate for a 42 queen attending an event like this ! sorry but this is true . She is beautiful and hard working but when it comes to class . I think it is very far away

    1. Anonymous7/10/15 21:51

      Agree totally.

    2. Anonymous7/10/15 23:48

      Totalmente de acuerdo! se cree chavita, y no asume los 42 años que tiene ni su posición de reina cuando está en actos de representación.

  26. Letizia is a very bad representative of Spain. She's the only queen to wear such short mini dresses&skirts during her official representation of the country, and she expects people to take her seriously and start talking about her work instead of her looks? I can't imagine the length of the dress when she sat down...Horrible style really horrible taste for a 43 years old queen. Her stylist should resign because it's very obvious Leti only does what's on her mind...and stop talking about how intelligent she is and great journalist she was cause nothing is true,she didn't even finishes her studies in Mexico and all her professors said she was a normal student with a passable average.

    1. Anonymous9/10/15 04:54

      She could not complete her Doctoral Studies because she was offered a job in Madrid. There must be records somewhere to prove what is on her CV. Perhaps an airhead foreign princess would have suited the Spanish palette better. Official representation of the country??? at a journalism awards ceremony?

  27. Anonymous8/10/15 06:05

    The press wants to sell us this image of Letizia being a great journalist before she married the prince which is completely false even her coworkers stated that she was an average journalist but with great ambitions. Now imagine a judge,or lawyer,or a respectable journalist or a doctor or a bank manager wearing this outfit at work. There's a dress code and she should respect it no matter how obssesed she wants to show her legs and her anorexic body.

    1. Anonymous9/10/15 05:00

      Please share the dress code with us. Also, she did not find a spare key to the palace and let herself in. Someone wanted her there.

    2. A prince married an average journalist and at once she is the greatest journalist of all times. Funny, but there is nothing bad about it.

    3. Exaggeration!

  28. Anonymous8/10/15 06:57

    Elle se croit en starlette

    1. Anonymous8/10/15 15:03

      Je pense comme vous.


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