Norwegian People's Aid 75 years

Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended the anniversary celebration of Norwegian People's Aid's 75th anniversary in Oslo. 05 December 2014
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit
Princess Mette-Marit - BY TiMO Lili DressPrincess Mette-MaritCHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN shoes
                                                  BY TiMO Lili Dress                      CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN Shoes

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  1. Anonymous5/12/14 18:18

    She is huge!

    1. And you are rude!

    2. Anonymous6/12/14 10:54

      I agree, there is no need to be rude. She is a large woman, so what?

    3. Anonymous6/12/14 15:14

      I'm not rude, I'm honest!

  2. Anonymous5/12/14 22:39

    The dress looks beautiful on the model, however on MM doesn´'t look that good.

  3. Anonymous6/12/14 09:30

    from now she wear every day black pantys, till summer, i don t like it alwas.

  4. She is a very happy, healthy, typical Scandinavian woman and I can't see anything wrong in that. We often are like that up here! Respect, please!

  5. Anonymous6/12/14 13:42

    Exactly, stop attacking large people, not everybody is slim, she is a big woman, but she seems happy.
    It's not all about external beauty, she is fat and not very good looking, but I'm sure she is a beautiful person inside, and that's what really matters.

  6. Mette Marit is not fat, she is not skinny, she is beautiful. But i don t like her outfits sometimes.

    1. Anonymous7/12/14 09:32

      The only thing I agree with you is that she is not skinny, but she is fat, and beautiful? I think her face looks very rough, almost like a man, she is blond with blue eyes, but her features are harsh and masculine.

  7. Anonymous6/12/14 17:36

    She's not fat. I agree she'd probably benefit from a stylist (as the rest of the royals likely do) but I'd bet she's pretty average in size. Maybe we all need to spend more time in the real world and less time staring at media images of people whose livelihood depends upon them working out and looking thin.

  8. Anonymous6/12/14 17:51

    What is wrong with fat people? Why say she is not fat? She is fat, and anybody can see that, but that doesn't mean anything bad, just that her body is big.
    Fat people are not monsters, or bad people, and I agree with the comment about spending more time in the real world and less time staring at media images of people whose livelihood depends upon them working out and looking thin.

  9. Anonymous6/12/14 17:56

    People are you blind? She is massive!

  10. Anonymous6/12/14 18:21

    Not blind; just living in the real world. Maybe we should get a physician to weigh-in (funny - get it?). In my mind, "fat" might be a very talented and beautiful singer from GB (at least, according to Karl and Joan). "Massive" (and, apparently, proud of it) would be the regulars from the American reality show, Honey Boo-Boo. Think we might have some serious body image issues here! ;)

    1. Anonymous6/12/14 19:43

      I don't have any body image issue, and I live in the real word. And I have the right to express my opinion, you like it or not. In my eyes, and also in other people's eyes here she is huge, large, fat.... We don't have any body image issue, we just see it how it is.

  11. Anonymous6/12/14 19:35

    Obviously all of you consider a fat person something like a criminal: "she is not fat" as if fat was something wrong.
    She is a fat lady, not massive, not obese, but she is fat, and there is nothing wrong with that. Some people are born with a large frame (I think this is the case) plus also she's had three children, and she is not that young any more.
    It's not bad to say she is fat, it's just an adjective, same as tall, short, slim, etc. and I repeat there is nothing bas about fat people.

    1. Anonymous7/12/14 03:33

      Maybe it's a cultural/language thing. In the US, referring to someone as 'fat' isnt intended to be descriptive; it's intended and perceived to be rude and pejorative.

  12. Anonymous7/12/14 09:16

    Unfortunately here in Europe we adopt or copy a lot of things which are originated in the US (as the image issues)
    US is a country of fake and stupidity, in which money and "beauty" (american beauty means plastic surgery and fakery to the maximum) are the two most important things in someone's life. Most of the americans are idiots with no brain, only thinking of shopping and the way they look.

    1. Anonymous7/12/14 10:42

      Leave the americans alone, they have M. Obama, a very large first lady, and they are very proud of her!

  13. Anonymous7/12/14 16:41

    In reply to both above - generalizations are dangerous and destructive. Judging an entire country or culture from what you see on TV is unfair and, when it comes right down to it, really not too bright (just ask Queen Rania).


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