The Duchess of Sussex visited Harvest Home in Los Angeles

Meghan Markle wore Lilia cashmere coat by Max Mara. Chanel Stitch bag Valentino Roman stud flat

On the occasion of International Women's Day, the Duchess of Sussex and female staff at Archewell Foundation visited Los Angeles-based Harvest Home, a charity dedicated to supporting pregnant domestic violence victims. Archewell released photos of the Duchess volunteering at a Los Angeles branch of the charity.

Meghan Markle wore Lilia cashmere coat by Max Mara. Chanel Stitch bag Valentino Roman stud flat

The charity Harvest Home helps provide housing and mental well-being support to pregnant women who have faced challenges including domestic violence, substance use and homelessness. Since being founded in 1985, Harvest Home has supported more than 600 pregnant women and their children.

Meghan Markle wore Max Mara Lilia Cashmere Coat
Max Mara Lilia Cashmere Coat


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Très élégant le manteau en cachemire ; je le veux, je le veux !

  2. Anonymous10/3/23 11:48

    Oh, she is so sweet. Lovely Dutchess

  3. Anonymous10/3/23 12:01

    Nice simple outfit!

    1. Anonymous10/3/23 15:09

      She likes simple oufits of neutral colors.

  4. Anonymous10/3/23 12:03

    Beautiful women all around. They´re doing excellent work. Pregnant women in particular have to deal with envy and resentment (in multiple forms) in their immediate environment, including the authorities. Soldiarity with pregnant women is very, very rare. Those who think they are on the side of the "better people" usually have a mine of stones to throw. Well done.

    1. Anonymous11/3/23 14:39

      "all around"? No, I'm deeply troubled by the way she and her husband have treated their families.

  5. Anonymous10/3/23 12:25

    Princess Lilibet was christened on 3 March 2023. Really?

    1. Anonymous10/3/23 17:43

      Actually, it was a sideshow....nothing sacred or reverent as a christening should be. That precious child deserves a proper christening with family.

    2. Anonymous10/3/23 21:22

      @Anonymous 17:43. To call a religious Christening by a Bishop of the Episcopal Church a “sideshow” is deeply offensive. It was a religious ceremony of the Episcopal Church which is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion and completely accepted and recognized by the Anglican Church in the UK. The absence of some members of Princess Lilibet’s family in no way negates this religious event.

    3. It was a performative "christening" held in a private home, not a church.

    4. Virginia Dogwood11/3/23 06:04

      Perhaps you are not familiar with Rev John Taylor , archbishop of Los Angeles who performed the christening for Princess Lili. But I am and I assure the readers the archbidhop does not participate in sideshows, as someone wrote above. Your comment is insulting not only to the Sussex family but to all Episcopalians in the greater Los Angeles area.

    5. Well, Rev. John Taylor is Bishop, but he does not hold the title of Archbishop. Let's be clear about that.

    6. Anonymous11/3/23 14:42

      As an American, I've never heard of a 'backyard christening'. People christen their children at church, or if they don't have a church, in their parent's church. People who don't go to church or care about it, don't usually christen their children.

    7. Anonymous11/3/23 17:46

      @Shannon. Your comment about a “performative” Christening in a home location is ignorant. Royal Christenings do not always happen in a church location. Some of them have been at homes and palaces for centuries. In addition, the poster who commented on the lack of family present is incorrect. Both of Diana’s sisters, Lady Jane and Lady Sarah, attended from England.
      Every nasty, ill-informed and incorrect comment here about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex reveals that among a certain group of people, they can’t win and the hatred against them is implacable and devoid of reason.

    8. Anonymous11/3/23 20:09

      I disagree with Anon 14:42. I think baptism is the one thing people will do for their child, even if they don't worship on a regular basis. About the how and where, please stop arguing. Critically ill babies are baptised in the hospital. People can get baptised at the River Jordan for goodness sakes. Stop finding fault with everything they do. They will never see the throne, so why do you care?
      I can't see members of the BRF traveling to Southern California for the baptism. Nor do I think it matters if members of the Markle family were in attendance. The family friction is not our business, as much as some wish it was. The only people that needed to be present were Lili, her parents, her godparents, the officiant, and of course God.

    9. Anonymous11/3/23 20:46

      Anon 20:09 They didn't christen in a church because they don't have a church. And sure, people with critically ill children might choose the hospital, but only because of their sad circumstances.

    10. Anonymous15/3/23 09:54

      For 6 years, millions have been made from hating MM.

  6. Hats off to the Duchess for supporting this charity.
    With the winter weather they’ve been having in California, I’m not surprised that she has gone for cashmere as against wool. It’s a much better insulator than wool. But, generally, more expensive.
    I remember her wearing a similar Max Mara coat in camel a couple of years ago (2021) when she was in New York to visit the UN’s Secretary-General

    1. Anonymous10/3/23 17:00

      Great observation about cashmere. We are indeed having a winter this year.
      This is such an important charity. To those few, please leave personal feelings at the door and focus on the work being done.

    2. Anonymous10/3/23 19:40

      Showing up in cashmere to an event that supports pregnant, disadvantaged, and abused women? Really? She could have come in a clean, white blouse and dark slacks...

    3. Hi deadeggs, I had no idea that Cashmere was a better insulator than wool, I have learned something new thank you for sharing!

    4. Anonymous10/3/23 21:24

      @Anon 19:40 Cashmere, cotton or rags.... People like you will always find fault with her. At least, she's supporting a worthy cause, what are you doing?

    5. Anonymous11/3/23 01:05

      @ Anonymous 19:40
      ´Showing up in cashmere to an event that supports pregnant, disadvantaged, and abused women?’ … I can see some high profiles are way worse, showing off jewellery, accessories and expensive clothes to visit charities too … and she’s still be seen as perfect for a good cause.

    6. Anonymous11/3/23 01:10

      As a longtime resident of the western United States I will say, cashmere is the best. Its the second warmest fiber, but also breathes later in the day when it warns up. I make an average salary but I own six cashmere sweaters. They aren't that expensive because they last for decades and they are pretty much are the only thing I wear on chilly never really gets cold in LA, lol, not compared to most locations.

  7. Anonymous10/3/23 14:46

    Meghan looks chic, happy and comfortable. Lovely ensemble, and great work.
    - Anon 9:13

  8. Anonymous10/3/23 15:03

    It’s so nice to see the Duchess of Sussex again. Thank you, Helen. She looks lovely here. Her warm personality shines through. Her outfit is casually elegant and suitable. This is an important charity to support.

    1. Anonymous10/3/23 16:50

      I agree with everything you say.

    2. I agree completely! It's always a pleasure to see her doing some charity work. Her cashmere coat is very elegant and with those simple black pants and pullover she is not over dressed. I like her simple bun too, just lovely.

  9. Anonymous10/3/23 15:13

    Wait a minute. Why is she on this blog?

    1. @ Anon 15:13
      O.K. I’ve waited a minute so now can I reply to your question with a question?
      Why shouldn’t she be on this blog?
      If you think she shouldn’t be on this blog, you are free to ask Helen, the blog administrator, to put a ban on the Duchess of Sussex and NewMyRoyals.

    2. Anonymous10/3/23 17:02

      @annonous 15:13. Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, is on this blog because Helen, the moderator, covers royal families. Meghan is a member of the British royal family. She and Harry still retain HRH status even though they do not use those titles. Their 2 children automatically became HRH Prince and Princess when their Grandfather, King Charles III ascended to the throne in September 2022.

    3. Anonymous10/3/23 17:13

      Precisely !!

    4. Anonymous10/3/23 17:29

      Scroll down, if you don’t want to read about certain people, it’s easy. Please don’t come here to dictate what should/shouldn’t be posted.

    5. We surely all have our very own opinions about her. However, she is The Duchess of Sussex, whether some of us like it or not. And this is a blog mainly about fashion (focus on aristocratic houses). Also, it is up to the owner/administrator of this blog to include people like Tessy de Nassau (divorced from her Luxembourg husband), or the York Princesses, or any other person for that matter, as she sees fit.

    6. Anonymous10/3/23 17:43


    7. Anonymous10/3/23 19:05

      Hating MM is a billion dollar industry. It will never stop. To many people make a living of it.

    8. Anonymous10/3/23 19:08

      "British Royalty"? They're not representing the BRF or the UK / Commonwealth. They're independent operators - their choice. And now just celebrities.

    9. Anonymous11/3/23 07:47

      "Wait a minute"
      Are you slow?

    10. @Anon 19:05 You are so right. "Hating MM is a billion dollarr industry" The hate is fodder for international media.
      It's going to take its time, but it will burn itself out when sales get low enough and audiencies start to drop.

    11. Anonymous11/3/23 17:08

      Who cares?

  10. Anonymous10/3/23 17:57

    Because she wants privacy.

    1. Anonymous10/3/23 18:50

      The "privacy-thing" (framing) is taken up here without any context. Please from which interview and in which context do you have this? Probably from direct contact with Prince Harry?
      Possibly also a palace source who does not want to be named? Or from the "right wing media" who are trying with all their might and death threats to silence H&M?

    2. Anonymous12/3/23 01:14

      Poor learning skills will allow some to believe a distortion of the meaning of the word privacy. look it it up, it's been 3 years. How she lives is her business.

  11. Anonymous10/3/23 18:24

    Meghan looks great. I like the easy elegance of this outfit. Very Meghan. The bag is fantastic. (I would love for it to magically appear in my closet.) I would have preferred a smaller earring.


  12. Anonymous10/3/23 19:39

    A perfect chic and simply outfit. -Siri

  13. "Pourquoi est elle sur ce blog"?
    Question idiote.
    Sachez que la responsable de ce blog est libre de mettre qui est veut sur son blog.
    Toutefois,si certaines princesses ou reines vous insupportent,vous n'avez qu'Ă  les zapper.
    Je suis très heureuse de revoir Meghan,souriante et surtout chic.

  14. Anonymous11/3/23 01:04

    Well I can see selling out your nearest and dearest with lies and deceits, pays well! Not for me. I prefer to sleep well at night! But each to their own I suppose! Bea

  15. Anonymous11/3/23 01:13

    She looks great, and she looks happy and relaxed. Good for her. Just ignore those critics and do your thing!

  16. Performative "volunteering" while wearing a $13k+ outfit and dripping in ostentatious gold jewelry. Such compassion!

  17. Pardon
    La responsable......
    De mettre qui elle veut....

  18. Anonymous11/3/23 12:48

    I thought she wanted to wear colour?

    Other than that, nice & appropriate outfit!

  19. Anonymous11/3/23 15:07

    She and her husband are not royal, They have not HRH - nor have their children.

    1. Anonymous11/3/23 20:18

      Thanks for the laugh. My imagination is running wild about you!

  20. Anonymous11/3/23 17:30

    I will say. I am a member of a commonwealth country and now in the United States I am a member of the episcopal church and as such I believe the Bible says come as you are and where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them. Christ himself was not baptized in a church, so it does not matter where Princess Lilibet was baptized. As for the whole privacy thing, the statement they released when they stepped back said nothing about them wanting privacy, in fact it stated that they would continue their PUBLIC duties (what Meghan is doing at this charity) that is something haters, tabloid newspapers and media use as a narrative to get others to hate them. They should be thanking H&M, because of them they make a living and have jobs, how about they try other stories and see how many papers and ad space the sell, probably not a lot, so they will continue to feed the hatred so that they can make millions off of them while making some people - haters feel better about themselves, instead of them finding something meaningful to do with there lives in service to others. That is also a Bible context. Also for the titles, Buckingham Place statement stated when they stepped down that they would retain there HRH titles but would not use them because they are no longer working Royals. But I understand the anger, England handsome Prince choose not to marry someone white and that is a killer for some of you and then she makes the mistake of being smart, beautiful, chic and is better educated than them all, is multi talented, speaks several languages and has a voice that when used expels brilliance and now has helped her young family become financially independent. You should be happy to have such a person as our Duchess. I know you will come back and say she is not. I can see why you hate her. Continue to do good work Duchess Meghan. Live and Love, long meaningful lives with your children H&M and as my late Queen stated you are much loved.

    1. Anonymous12/3/23 00:22

      What a load of garbage, nothing to do what she has done wrong, just your opinion which is what a blog is supposed to do, however you seemed to be on the wrong blog, this one is about FASHION, not your personal religious thoughts, or trying to tell others why Rachel is or is not dislike, instead you throw out words, supposed to mimic facts, especially the 'uneducated royals' and "but would not use them because they are no longer working Royals." Have a wonderful day, to someone who could not even sign your name to your post. Ann

    2. Anonymous13/3/23 01:34

      What was it that she did wrong? Do tell.

  21. Anonymous11/3/23 17:44

    This is a non-working royal, not sure why there are photos of her on this blog. Instead, let us see more photos of The Princess Royal, Anne, who is the hardest working royal every year! She deserves more recognition, than someone who dislikes and lobs nasty words are both side of her family. Edwina

  22. Anonymous11/3/23 18:07

    No to the black ! What happened to she wanted to color!The sooner KC3 acts like QM2 of Denmark did, the better! Once they’re just plain old Mr&Mrs I think people will have more respect for them! Titles for working royals only. Bea

    1. Anonymous11/3/23 22:32

      They would have an awful lot of titles to take back. They can start with Andrew, move on to Eugenie and Beatrice (not working royals), Sarah still has her title, all the extended family that we don't hear about except at Christmas and Ascot . . . Queen Margrethe did not strip her son and his wife, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie, of their titles. Your comment makes no sense. She lowered the ranks of his children. Whether it should have been done at their ages or starting with the next generation is moot. The decision was made and feelings have been hurt.

  23. Anonymous11/3/23 20:50

    And the haters are baaack... 🙄 So sad.

    1. @Stella : I've gone beyond the point of saying "so sad". as I just can't understand the volume of hate for the Duchess which comes from many corners of the world. There are blogs on the net which just ooze with hate. I wouldn't dare put a 'like' comment on one of these blogs as they's be around to smash my windows 🥺

    2. Anonymous15/3/23 10:07

      Hate comes from everywhere where there is no humanism. Hate does not come alone, it comes with totalitarianism and fascism and thrives where it is not suspected. Maybe where people are just as rich and don't understand why they are not automatically king.

    3. From those who have known Megan for years and from way back: Megan always gets what Megan wants.
      Also, I find it interesting that the discord in her family is being mirrored by Harry with his family now.

  24. Anonymous11/3/23 21:51

    Who is she ...

  25. Anonymous12/3/23 02:46

    Now the happy Mother of a Prince and Pss. The outfit is nice and well-fitting, but the mules are horror. I read some of the comments. Why is it that at every turn someone brings Race in the mix? Is not the most important thing, what is in a person's heart and character? Think about it please. Everyone has the right to express their own thought. and feelings. But this Redebating must stop. We are in the 21st Century or are we not? This is not to insult anyone; we all know this World is in a crazy state right now, maybe we should find a way back to some NORMALCY. Thank you for letting me express my feelings.css

  26. Anonymous12/3/23 11:10

    Was it a private meeting or something official? Just wondering.

  27. Anonymous12/3/23 18:50

    This woman is a private citizen in the US our law does not recognize nobility. If she wants to do volunteer that is great but not use her visit to a private organization to seek attention for herself. She should mot be the center of attention for the people she wants to service. Speaking about fashion, it is a chic outfit but too dark for California spring and she looks sloppy.

  28. Anonymous13/3/23 01:32

    1. All the articles you read are written by people who are PAID to write them in a certain way to satisfy your craving to see them punished like wayward children. 2. The news agencies have the option of not buying the photographs and publishing nonsense but the money keeps rolling in. 3. She could have stayed home and not donated. Of course, you would have picked up the slack. 4. In many metropolitan areas, black is a year-round staple (see Vogue etc.) 5. It is the keen followers who keep the rags in business by clicking and reading then complaining that she gets the attention they give her.
    Finally, it IS possible to scroll on by. Ms. Electra will do just fine.

  29. Anonymous13/3/23 21:34

    I feel sorry for you to have to work overtime for your boss. It must be tough for them to have to fully mobilize the PR machine day and night after South Park. Take care. She is not going to a funeral. A little bit color in our sunny California won't hurt.

  30. Anonymous14/3/23 05:47

    I feel sorry for anyone who wakes up every day to feed on negativity and considers South Park to be either news or entertainment .
    Visit the stores and be observant of how black is styled for each Season.

  31. Anonymous18/3/23 06:34

    I'm loving the all-black outfit. Something I do wear. And I always prefer the Duchess of Sussex with a side part to her hair. I think the charity is also a worthy cause to shine a spotlight on. It must be a very difficult situation to be in - being pregnant and abused.


  32. Anonymous18/3/23 19:53

    A sweet smile and PR photos does not make her a good person especially when her other deeds are filled with vitriol.


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