Queen Elizabeth received Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall

On March 7, 2022, Queen Elizabeth II received Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the Windsor Castle in Berkshire. Queen Elizabeth has held her first in-person audience with the Prime Minister of Canada since testing positive for coronavirus. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in the UK for talks on the war in Ukraine with Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall


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  1. Anonymous7/3/22 15:07

    We haven't seen QE wearing a dress with a print very often, but she should do it more often! She looks great in it.


  2. So wonderful to see her, in spite of her very obvious increased frailty. Perfect choice of the blue and yellow spring flowers to support Ukraine. The dress is pleasant enough and looks as if it has been tailored to fit her slighter frame, which is an improvement as she has seemed swamped recently by some of her outfits. My day is cheerier for seeing her.

    1. How right you are @. Annie>M.
      She brightens up the world. She gives us all hope and cheer.
      Her dress is perfect and well chosen.
      I'm sure she is sad about the situation in the Ukraine and it must bring back unwanted , old memories for her.
      p.s. I think Mr Trudeau shoud spend a penny or two to buy some shoe polish for his shoes.

    2. Anonymous8/3/22 03:08

      I also noticed that her clothes have been hanging on her slight frame. It seems to me since Prince Philip passed she has lost weight and become more frail. It looks like finally someone has given her a new dress fitted to her new body contours (or altered an existing dress, but I'm betting this is new). She looks much better in a dress that is well-fitted. S.M.

  3. Anonymous7/3/22 15:25

    Poor Queen Elizabeth she lost a lot of weight, she seems in good spirit though, but I think she deserves a rest.

  4. Anonymous7/3/22 16:04

    The Queen has known Justin for his entire life. Her majesty looks very well in these photos.

    1. A little bit of gosip between us and please keep it within the forum .......
      I think Justin is her little "toy-boy". Oh lĂ  lĂ 


    2. Anonymous8/3/22 12:10

      wierd comment coming from @deadeggs, the blog comment troll/patrol.
      fyi The Queen has always had a soft spot for Canadians and the commonwealth


  5. Anonymous7/3/22 16:27

    Really lovely pictures of the Queen and the prime minister who could be her grandson.
    The blue and yellow bunch of flowers is wonderfull and stirs emotions.

  6. Images touchantes quand nous les voyons se rencontrer ; nous pouvons remarquer toute la douceur et le respect de Monsieur Trudeau quand il serre les mains de la reine sans gants ; fière allure dans cette robe imprimée !

  7. Anonymous7/3/22 16:57

    The connections between these two families, their countries and particularly these two individuals spans decades and generations. Consequently their meetings are always warm and congenial and beyond mere formality. It's lovely to see. The Queen looks happy and better than we've seen her in recent days.
    I too love the flowers and their symbolism.
    - Anon 9:13

  8. Anonymous7/3/22 17:56

    God Bless the Queen; amongst all the problems her family have laid at her feet, and the world at large must be a strain on her when she's already lived thru a great deal in her 90+ years of life, including WWII. jj

  9. She looks so tiny!

  10. Anonymous7/3/22 21:44

    Grateful to see HM looking so well after her bout of Covid !Wishing her continued strength and good health!
    I love the color of the flower display! Symbolic of her support !

  11. What a lovely moment between the two of them. Prime Minister Trudeau is in awe of her Majesty!

  12. How nice to see PM Trudeau and HM! She has known him for his whole life and their meetings are always so warm. Since HM is so careful and deliberate with her clothes, flowers, etc., I fully believe the floral arrangement of yellow, blue, and white flowers is symbolic. Her dress is lovely--we are getting into the time of the year when HM begins to wear more of her floral and print dresses and I really like this one. While frail in appearance HM looks spry, animated, and very much her charming self--so nice to see given her recent case of COVID as well as the other ailments she has had in the past few months.

  13. Oh how wonderful to see the Queen, this has made my day. She looks great, smiling and engaging, marvellous. I love the dress and print. The gorgeous pearl strand necklace, splendid.

  14. P. the original8/3/22 11:15

    Well..thank you, Her Majesty and thank you Mr Trudeau, your warm meeting and the symbolism in the surroundings have made my day too.
    My mind goes back in time when the Queen was there, when bombs were falling too,when men from a lot of nations were losing their lives and hardship and misery were the only life mates for so many.
    She knows what fear and strength are, just like so many peoples and nations all around the world.
    She knows what resilience is.


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