Prince Albert and his children attended the preview of the film 'Nais in the land of wolves'

Hereditary Prince Jacques. Princess Gabriella wore a teen red faux fur coat by Monnalisa, Chloe Kids red faux fur coat

On December 14, 2021, Prince Albert and his children Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella attended the preview of the film 'Nais in the land of wolves' at the Cinéma des Beaux-Arts in Monaco. During the preview, the film's director Remy Masséglia and his daughter Nais accompanied the family. The documentary film of 52 minutes received support from the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.

The film is an ode to nature in the heart of the Mercantour National Park. It is the story of a father (RĂ©my Massaglia, the director) who embarks on a great adventure alongside his one-year-old daughter (Nais). They spent more than two years in the wilderness. The documentary film "Nais in the land of wolves" won Best Documentary at the Golden Bee International Children's Film Festival in India.


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  1. Quelle chance, ils ont eue - Trop mignon le petit trio ; je ne vois pas très bien ce que porte Gabriella sous son petit manteau rouge ?!

  2. Those children need to watch the movie " Where is mummy".
    Fashion wise everything under control. I like the hairy coat ( on a winterday).
    Gabriella's skirt has a front-cut, like the previous hair, but not my kind of cup.
    Nice accompanied with a friend(niece?). Maybe eating lots of popcorn and having a good time -Anna-

    1. Ahhh...what is the point of this comment?
      My take away is you poking fun at a child cutting her own hair, you being unwilling or unable to read the description of the photo above so you would know who the third child is, and saddest of all, your mention of "Where is mummy"[sic]. I admit I have no idea what movie you are referring to, and yes, I did look, but by all means, do bring up her absence in the most negative sounding way possible. The lady is ill. Support is what they need, not critiques. ~d

    2. Anna, please try a bit of subtility,

  3. Hoffentlich haben die beiden lieben Kleinen ihre geliebte Mama bald wieder

  4. I hope they both enjoyed this outing, they looked lovely.

  5. The twins look cute--how sweet is it that Gabriella is resting her head on her daddy's hand! I hope Albert and kids enjoyed the film together.

  6. Jacques and Gabriella look lovely; there mother is a good person; tricky when your husband has affairs.

  7. Lovely to see the children out with Dad and a little playmate.

    I hope Charlene makes a speedy recovery and is soon healthy, happy and able to rejoin her family.

    I cannot imagine the burden of living life in a fishbowl under the constant scrutiny of the public but even worse the ever critical media.

    On the surface, life looks like a fairytale, absolutely wonderful; a billionaire
    husband who adores you and two lovely children. Home is a beautiful palace in a magnificent principality in France. Staff to satisfy one's every whim. Haute couture fashion at ones fingertips, not to mention priceless jewellery and magnificent footwear. Holidays in magnificent locations around the world.

    Reality, a husband who despite his enormous wealth who cannot retire. Your every move, expression, action analysed, scrutinised and criticised by the media and on social media. Your sartorial choices examined and critiqued. Your ability to adapt to your new role in life examined under a microscope, critiqued and criticised constantly. Your ability or inability to speak French for Monegasque constantly questioned. Who knows, perhaps as parents you decided to raise your children bilingual by one parent speaking one language and the other speaking another.

    Walking a mile in Charlene's shoes would not be comfortable.

    1. And the real victims are the children who are missing their mother and I’m sure they are worried about her and perhaps scared, which can be traumatizing at that tender age. Any separation especially a 6 or 8 months long can feel like eternity at that age. Hope she recovers well and joins them very soon. Abby

    2. Amen! reply I've seen so far.

    3. Agree. Best wishes to the family♥️

    4. Beautifully and perfectly said. ~d

  8. Be kind kind kind please.


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