Queen Letizia attended Retina ECO Awards Ceremony

Queen Letizia wore a new Lolita black midi dress by Maria Malo. Sustainable dress. Carolina Herrera suede black pumps

On September 6, 2021, Queen Letizia attended the award ceremony of the first edition of the "Retina ECO Awards", organized by the newspaper El País in collaboration with the consultancy firm Capgemini. The Awards aim to reward the best projects of the year 2020 using technology, in the field of fight against climate change and sustainability.

Queen Letizia wore a new Lolita black midi dress by Maria Malo. Sustainable dress. Carolina Herrera suede black pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new Lolita black midi dress by Maria Malo. Sustainable dress. Carolina Herrera suede black pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new Lolita black midi dress by Maria Malo. Sustainable dress. Carolina Herrera suede black pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new Lolita black midi dress by Maria Malo. Sustainable dress. Carolina Herrera suede black pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new Lolita black midi dress by Maria Malo. Sustainable dress. Carolina Herrera suede black pumps

In this first edition, 115 applications have been presented, of which 97 have been accepted. The jury has selected 12 finalists, of which four were awarded in the four categories, namely, Green Generation, Efficient Consumption, Smart Mobility and Sustainable Economy. The winners were announced at the awards ceremony. Q.ueen Letizia wore a new black midi dress by Maria Malo.

Queen Letizia wore a new Lolita black midi dress by Maria Malo. Sustainable dress. Carolina Herrera suede black pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new Lolita black midi dress by Maria Malo. Sustainable dress. Carolina Herrera suede black pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new Lolita black midi dress by Maria Malo. Sustainable dress. Carolina Herrera suede black pumps

Queen Letizia wore Maria Malo Lolita Dress Black
Maria Malo Lolita Dress


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  1. Wow! Is there anything more impressive than an elegant black dress and super heels? Just perfetct!

  2. Anonymous6/9/21 22:11

    What can you say other than “gorgeous”…..

  3. Glorious. Letizia confirms her position at the top of the tree.

  4. I'm a little confused, there is a bony cleavage
    in fashion, or is the inclusion so unfavorable.
    Anyway, I think it's very ugly.

    1. A bodybuilders body lacks femininity, the Queen is simply overdoing it imo. So i'm a little confused as well, is this still beautiful? But we are only supposed to talk about fashion here, lest we be accused of body shaming.
      The dress is ok, just a little black dress.

    2. Anonymous7/9/21 04:34

      Another look at the little black dress. This one works perfectly for a late summer evening.
      @ Lili. Here and on other sites? Have you seen the other ladies in her family? There is no need for her to hide in a sack.

    3. Anonymous7/9/21 06:04

      I agree Letizia is too bony in the collar-bone and shoulder area, which makes this particular neckline unflattering. Also don't care for the loose hair strands, would have preferred an elegant up-do with sparkly earrings. Of course, the facemask doesn't help. This is one instance where a black/matching mask would have improved the look. S.M.

    4. I agree with those who admire Letizias elegance and I think she is slim, not bony. But at the same time I want to say that it is not "Body shaming" when one finds her too slim. Taste differ. Let other people have their opinion.

    5. Anonymous7/9/21 11:45

      @Lili: "Anyway, I think it's very ugly." Who cares what you find ugly? Make relevant statements about fashion, not on what pleases you and what you find "ugly" because this is simply boring, irrelevant and offtopic (besides being body-shamin of course). A pity that this blog is not selective and critical enough to be interesting - fashionwise. (-Ann.)

  5. To be slim you have to have that "bony cleavage ". But I think she looks very elegant in that dress even if it shows her slim cleavage.

  6. Anonymous7/9/21 06:34

    Lili, I agree. This cleavage is not a good choice on the Queen. Letizia is too skinny to look attractive in this dress. Instead of saying 'ugly' I would prefer 'She can do much better.' :-)

    1. Anonymous7/9/21 15:34

      Indeed L. is too skinny for this type of dress. I think 9 out of 10 times L is very well and tastefully dressed. I love her style. But when choosing yr dress everyone needs to take into account what parts of a body better be covered in an elegant way.

  7. Anonymous7/9/21 06:41

    The dress is gorgeous, but L. too bony to wear it.

  8. Anonymous7/9/21 07:19

    Although the queen's clothes are almost always to my taste (nice quality fabric, good color combinations, 'less is more', modest jewelry and garments perfectly tailored), it often feels to me that something is 'wrong' ... The only way I can explain this to myself is that I find that the overall picture often looks almost 'robotic'. The fast majority of the readers will disagree with me, but this is my opinion.


    1. I have noticed that "robotic" quality as well but I could never find a word to describe it. However, Letizia is my favorite queen and I always search for her pictures first. I think she dresses beautifully and sometimes even exquisitely.

  9. @ Anonymous7/9/21 06:34

    "She can do better" is definitely the better one
    Choice of words. :)

  10. Il faut reconnaître que c'est un modèle magnifique mieux porté par le mannequin qui a un décolleté avec plus de rondeurs ; jolies boucles d'oreilles pendantes !

  11. Anonymous7/9/21 09:59

    Her being skinny literally makes this look and dress looks better on her than on a model.


  12. She looks stunning.

    And I agree with the poster who said, stop body shaming. She is healthy and she dresses superbly, she has the right to show her shoulders slim as they may be. She is an European queen, not a middle eastern one.

  13. Curioso, en general no se puede tratar a nadie de estar gorda, gruesa el adjetivo que se prefiera utilizar ,las hay rellenitas pero son intocables no se puede comentar su peso porque ciertas personas , se sienten ofendidas segun quien sea la persona sobre quien se comenta el peso, siempre salen en defensa de la dicha persona y me parece bien pero no se aplica esta regla a todas.
    A Letizia se la trata de huesuda con mala intencion, resulta insultante, nos puede no gustar la ropa o encontrar la sienta mal , y comentarlo sin desprecio, con consideracion.
    Se puede alabar que siempre lleva el pelo brillante y bien peinado!

  14. Letizia, además de bella y elegante, es una Reina comprometida y consecuente. Se pone un precioso vestido de bambú orgánico de una firma española sostenible para unos Premios relacionados con el medio ambiente y el cambio climático. Así es como se hacen las cosas.

  15. Las víboras han salido hoy en manada LOL. Se ve que han estado muy aburridas 2 semanas sin Letizia. También puede ser la misma anónima, poniendo ABCDH debajo del exabrupto.
    ¿Vestido feo? Pues se agotó en una noche, así que gustó muchísimo... a personas normales, claro.
    Hay maldades habituales: flaca, huesuda... pero hay 2 nuevos: "mechones sueltos" WOW, ahora se llama así a una melena limpia y cuidada y, sobre todo, "robótica"... Confieso que éste me ha dejado alucinada.
    La estupidez humana no tiene límites.

    1. Anonymous7/9/21 17:34

      It is the choice of the blog owner, not you, which comments are allowed. What good does your comment serve anyone?


    2. Anonymous7/9/21 18:09

      Posiblemente, Angie, es la misma recurrentemente. Seguro una gorda, aburrida , suelen odiar a todo aquel que no está como una vaca y encima se hacen las víctimas.


    3. Anonymous8/9/21 03:50

      I agree with you Angie. Indeed, there are some moronic comments here. I have been watching the comments, hoping they would stop, but people just can't seem to help themselves. These comments about her being too skinny or boney are body shaming. If you aren't sure if what you are saying is body shaming or not, see if you can comfortably substitute the word "fat" for those words and whether you would then say that to a person's face. We all know not to tell a person how "fat" they are. Why is it so difficult to understand that it is wrong to tell people they are too skinny, boney, etc.? At best, you sound jealous. At worst, you could be touching on a health issue that has not been shared with you and is none of your business. Also, learn your body parts. She is not showing cleavage. That is the space between a woman's breasts. The bone so many of you have such a problem with is her clavicle. It is known as the "beauty bone". Most bones are covered with fat, but the clavicle isn't. Women highlight their clavicles with makeup for evening looks. The clavicle is a marker of femininity, contrary to the ridiculous comment above, "A bodybuilders body lacks femininity, the Queen is simply overdoing it imo." She is not a "bodybuilder", she is toned, and she is the epitome of femininity. ~d

  16. Anonymous7/9/21 16:48

    Fantastic dress and looks great on her!


  17. Anonymous7/9/21 17:32

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous8/9/21 04:04

      If Letizia's health was an issue, it would be obvious after all these years. She would not have a healthy head of hair, and her skin would be suffering. Letizia has beautifully toned muscles. One needs to eat a healthy, balanced diet, including proteins, to gain muscle. She appears to have stamina, which she would not likely have if she was not healthy. She probably weighs more than she looks like she does because muscle weighs more than fat. You don't have to be athletic to be fit. She is toned, not muscular. She is most likely a naturally thin person that has taken care of her body. There is far too much negative speculation about her. ~d

    2. Anonymous8/9/21 08:00

      Otra payasada! Estás preocupada? Que cinismo! No has visto mujeres delgadas en tu vida? Todas las mujeres de su familia son así, es genérico. En España este tipo de comentarios en contra de las mujeres no estarían permitidos, veo q somos un país vanguardista, en otros están a mil años luz.

    3. Anonymous8/9/21 08:12

      Yo no sé cómo está permitido que se denigre a Monarcas de otros países, preferentemente mujeres, hablando de su cuerpo y su derecho de expresión de ser como les de la gana en el siglo 21 y además gente anónima que no da la cara. Y no habló solo por Letizia, sino por el resto. Es como la segunda vez que entro, pero me parece una auténtica vergüenza, solo por obtener respuestas. No sé si las casas reales de los países en cuestión pueden hacer algo, pero lo voy a mirar me parece una afrenta.


  18. Anonymous8/9/21 20:42

    My comment on the Queen's physique was removed although others decribe her in derogatory ways. I si.y said I have always been concerned over her well being and role model she is.

    Many times fashion and fame has been called out for allowing and encouraging extremely thin women.

    This is a fashion site and i believe that my sincere concern should be heard.

  19. Let me say, in advance that some of you may not like what I have to say and I am okay with that.

    I almost always love what she is wearing even when it is daring. Why be boring? I think is is extremely elegant.

    However, while this dress looks superb while she is standing straight up, it is entirely took tight when she is going up those steps. Not good.

    That is my view. Again, it is okay if others do not agree. Let's try not to have a pile-on. Bear with a different opinion; no one is enlisting people here to be the protection brigade. I like HM quite a lot and I will call it as I see it.


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