Te-Deum Service for Princess Adrienne Josephine Alice

On March 12, 2018, Monday, in connection with the birth of Princess Adrienne Josephine Alice, a Te Deum thanksgiving service was held at the Royal Palace Chapel in Stockholm. King Gustaf , Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Christopher O'Neill and representatives of official Sweden and the staff of the Royal Court attended the hanksgiving service.
Queen Silvia, Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Chris O'Neill at Te Daum for Princess Adrienne Josephine Alice
Queen Silvia, Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Chris O'Neill at Te Daum for Princess Adrienne Josephine Alice
Queen Silvia, Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Chris O'Neill at Te Daum for Princess Adrienne Josephine Alice
Queen Silvia, Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Chris O'Neill at Te Daum for Princess Adrienne Josephine Alice
Queen Silvia, Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Chris O'Neill at Te Daum for Princess Adrienne Josephine Alice
Queen Silvia, Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Chris O'Neill at Te Daum for Princess Adrienne Josephine Alice
Queen Silvia, Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Chris O'Neill at Te Daum for Princess Adrienne Josephine Alice
Princess Sofia VERONICA VIRTA Rosie jacket and Rosie dress
VERONICA VIRTA Rosie Jacket and Rosie Dress


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  1. Queen Silvia looks lovely.
    Victoria's suit has very beautiful brigh color, purple looks great on her. I only wish she hadn't spoiled it with that childish bow.
    Sofia would look great with shoulder-length hair. Her outfit was too dark and dreary. Perhaps lovely brooch would have given more cheerful appearance.
    Chris has lost weight. It suits him!

  2. Is Carl-Philip all right? He looks terribly pale and tired. Everyone, including him, is dressed beautifully. Agree that purple is good on Victoria.

    1. Sofia looks so awful, that C-P got sick :(

    2. It's the Swedish winter

  3. They look all so happy and well groomed. Perhaps Carl-Philipp has got a cold like half of Europe?

    1. It does seem to have been a bad winter for colds and the terrible flu.

    2. We all look like that in the wintertime in Sweden, unless you go abroad or use some kind of artificial tan. The sun is too weak to give any kind of tan from October - March and most people get very tired from lack of sun and daylight.

    3. Thank you for explaining, Ida. I'm in a relatively sunny climate--although far from tropical! I'll hope it's winter weather and not illness.

    4. Let's hope so!

  4. They all look great. Love Victoria's purple outfit and Sofia's soft updo. A lovely occasion.

  5. Sofia with the soft updo looks nice today. Victoria: for my opinion purple is a color for older woman especially with a tie-neck blouse ๐Ÿ˜ž And like always: Prince Daniel looks great with a cutaway.

    1. Well said, I fully agree, if you don´t mind.

  6. The Crown Prince is always so impeccably put together. Pleasure to see!

    1. Which crown prince? There's a crown princess....

  7. Silvia- dont like the suit.
    Victoria- maybe whitout the scarve... Not a big fan .
    Sofia- too 'funeral' for me. The hairdo is nor the best.
    CP- he looks likes like that for some years now. Read many comments about his tired/ sad looks from social media in the past few years. Maybe is just his modo or parenthood. Not sure. From all the bernadotte I think he always had the best smile though.

    1. That is so strange comment about Carl Philip during last years, we all others have seen how happy and relaxed he has looked for a long time. Together with Sofia and family he seems to be so much more than alone. These pictures here are either very unfortunate, taken when he just blinks or he may be sick or tired. Kids may keep him also up.

    2. Of course he has happy times. He had children etc.
      Together with Sofia and family he seems to be so much more than alone." he was alone? Whitout family? ๐Ÿ˜•
      He was a shy but very happy man. And im talking about all footage duribg this past years, not just this ones. I dont think its a weird comment, specially when people talk about how Chris looks old and gain a lot of weight and let himself go... Now thats insulting. But of course im not like that. ☺

    3. Before wedding with Sofia he was mostly very shy and reserved, not much wanting to be in public actually. After marriage he has been taking part to at least double number of work and other events and he has been clearly a happy and far more relaxed man.

      "Footage during this past years"? Really. During last year in this blog Hellen has written or put photos of Carl Philip 45 times. In 41 cases he has been in my eyes happy and smiling. About those four what are left, two were funerals and one silent moment to terrorist attack victims. But of course we have to accuse Sofia of those grave facial expressions. Only normal event when he is not looking happy and brisk are these, probably just unfortunately bad pictures here when he looks like just blinking, or is sick or tired.

      Your way to try to dig bad all the time about Sofia is so tendentious. I cannot understand at all what makes you do it.

    4. Sofia?? Im didnt even talk about her. Plus i seen plenty of footage more than 40 or So articles here. In addition im just talking about what people are saying over the years whatever you want to admite or not. Either way, I never said that it was related to Sofia or talked about her but somehow you are the one that have to mention her. Has I said "Maybe is just his mood or parenthood. " but of course u completely ignore this. ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘

    5. Sure if Hellen who is making a real good coverage of our royals can make 45 cases, I very much doubt anybody else can catch more really. Those cases were just during last year, but the situation has been about the same all these years after their marriage. Of course you are just talking "what other (nasty) people are talking". LOL. You were not even near these impolite comments yourself. Again your comments are telling us so much about you, nothing about Carld Philip.

    6. Blondiini, sorry but you are the obรฉ talking about Sofia. I, for once, didnt! You are the one that cant stop talking about her. Again "Maybe is just his mood or parenthood. " but of course u completely ignore that parte and instead start talking about Sofia. Who said that the past few years mean before the marriage?
      My comments dont say more about me than yours about you... If its an attempt to intimidate me into only agreeing with you, it will not work. I guess you will get tired of it. ☺

    7. Of course nothing works to change your mind, that I and all the others know well enough. There is no amount facts what ever can change you to see your narrow belief as the clearest fact in the world.

  8. Carl Philip looks very old and tired and bloated in the fifth photo. Hopefully like another commenter said maybe it's just the fact that it's winter there and he perhaps has a cold.

  9. Very wonderful Royal Family of Sweden

  10. C O Neill so handsome and the proud new father. His facial expression tells the story.


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